Green Frog has a problem.
We are having a Roundtable discussion on Web 2.0 - Creativity and Innovation.
My welcoming address was to get the audience to think about creativity - I am probably not the best case study as I have little or no skills on Mashups, or Videos. Then I thought: why don't I send emails to some schools in Liverpool, UK requesting a few pictures of creative works done by kids - these could be using crayons or even ICT. No response. I went to You Tube - some interesting options.
I would really like anything that kids have done - a sort of LIVING IMAGES PROJECT. I wish to use the works to set out a story about creativity, access and openness. Have you suggestions for the Green Frog?

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Hi Green Frog! I'm guessing my students' stuff is not what you are after - it is storytelling creativity, not image creation... and these are big kids (college), not litlte kids (but then I am just a big kid myself...) - anyway, I thought I would post something here anything, since I am a very happy online teacher who has decided to let creativity rule the writing assignments in my class, and I have no regrets -here are my students' semester projects, and as usual they have amazed themselves with their own creativity... and delighted me all semester long!
Myth-Folklore Storybooks
Indian Epics Storybooks
World Literature Storybooks

One of the students in World Literature working on Indian folktales did a story ABOUT STORIES which is priceless:
A Story and a Song

As for access and openness, although my school encourages us to do everything shut down behind the virtual-walls of our course management system, my students put all their work on the web exactly so that it is open, and they can share it with their friends and their family - and with future students! :-)
Hi Laura
Thank you.
I am a lawyer. I teach Final Year Law Students a module on Internet Law. The students discover in my first lecture that the Internet is a rhetorical space - law now exists in a rhetorical space where 1.3 billion people have a 'voice'. They also discover that the fact that there is law in the books, that in itself does not imply legitimacy.
We also look at creativity and innovation - we think not only about why we have IP rules but whether Web 2.0 may require us to make new choices. Your students are mixing, adding and creating - to me, this is Open Culture. What a positive illustration of Digital Natives. I will be delighted to incorporate some of the stories into a flyer - not for commercial use of course. Do the sites come under a Creative Commons license. Long may your students continue to rip, mix and burn!! I hope to get one of my students to set up a Friends of the Roundtable and link to these works.Thank you for your generosity.
As I was thinking about the Opening Address - I did wonder whether I should mention The Beatles.
I don't know Mandi. I read it to my wife. We both agreed - her writing has a 'voice' - it was simple, authentic and not contrived. There is something to be said about the art of storytelling. Mandi could have been telling us this story as we sat around a campfire.

Good to see the CC license.
The agenda you have as an attachment is interesting. I am an attorney turned educator and recently launched a learning community site called This site is content management combined with a little social networking. Do you see students leaving the traditional sites like MySpace and others to discuss issues and exchange ideas in a more academic web space? That is my vision. Soon we will be using it as a classroom discussion forum, and I do see in my classroom interest in using a safe productive I would be very interested in your thoughts on this and comments on my site. We are not even a month old! My vision to recreate the academic and social component in one place-- virtual school- The maze!

It is interesting to see that you have like minded individuals in the UK. There are some who take the same view as you - me included. I would very much like to believe that these efforts will pay dividends. I wish I had your commitment and energy. I also teach a module on Violation of Children in Cyberspace - Korczak's, Diary from The Ghetto, made an impression on me. The module is my contribution - social networking sites will be the subject of one lecture. May I use the site as a Case study next semester?
Let me share with you one little 'niggle' at the back of my mind. A number of my students are on FB - in one of my lectures I provocatively asked how many of the students had FB accounts. No hands went up - but there were grins across many of the students faces. Then something hit me. Kids want to hang out in places where there are no adults. To them, I am an adult - many of them were not born when I first when to University. We have an internal BLOG and LEARNING SPACE. Little or no activity - but when I surf on over to FB - there is a vibrant community, conversations and engagement. The real challenge for me and presumably for you - how do we create 'structures' within content management spaces that are peer rhetorical spaces? I hope that your site will take us closer towards that ideal. I will visit your site and get back to you very soon.
I appreciate your imput. We have just launched and have had little activity in the forums, however I believe that at this point it is a result of lack of exposure and understanding of what they can do. My students blog on my school site, and yet they are not too good at commenting on one another's ideas. My next step is to SHOW them how to do that in an educational context. They know what to do on FB and the others. They have never seen anything like this.

I am seeing the same thing with my podcasts. Iinitially the noition of using their ipods for anything other than music was laughable. They looked at me like I was crazy. It took only one student to begin, use and succeed. Slowly the numbers grew and now we have many students using them. I think they need to be taught to do this, and that is my next step. The process has been amazing. My MasteryCast podcast episode 1 covers a bit of it.

Please feel free to use the site, participate and have your students do so as well. You may use it yourself and post topic in the forums, etc for your student's to discuss. The site is for the world to use, and I appreciate your support and welcome your involvement. I am going to be participating in some research and would happily assist your endeavors as well.

Perhaps we need to offer an additional option to the dangerous places, and they will come? eventually? I may be crazy, but I think so.

We shall see.
I listened to your podcast with great interest. I have a book that you might find of great interest - Will Richardson, Blogs, Wikis and Podcasts. I may have a spare copy - and will send it to you, if you prefer.

Your site has a 'look and feel' that I like. Why is the Teacher Tube particularly slow to stream?

I agree that there is a cultural mindset that needs to be shaped towards the goals you have in mind. I guess this is what is so challenging about what we do.
When I first started on the module - I did not realise that I would have to get to speed on a range of ICT techniques in addition to the demands placed by the University to undertake research and publish.

What research? 2 things - I have been asked to introduce Second Life for some disabled students. Frightening as I have no clue about SL. Second, I am off to a National Cyberbullying Conference in London - I will direct some traffic to your site. Efforts like yours need a wider audience
The TeacherTube videos are slow because they are running off of the TeacherTube site, and they are slow there as well. It depends upon the speed of the internet connection. In general, however, many of the files I have from TeacherTube are slow. I am working on that as on of the "fixes" on the list. I will hopefully have them running directly from my site which may help. I create in flash which runs the best but all do not and if they are created in mpeg, etc they may not run as well. I'm working on that.

As to the research-- There is a professor at SUNY College at Buffalo who is interested in doing a study with my students and the podcasting in particular. I have just started to collect data on test scores to compare the results between students using and not using the podcasts. By the end of the school year I hope to write something as well discussing the impact the podcasts have had my student's performance.

I am not familiar with Second Life? As to the conference, thanks! Let me know if I can help you as well.

Also, it may be easier for you to subscribe the the pages on my site to get the newest posts easily. I will be doing a MasteryCast podcast show (directed at educators and at students respectively) at least monthly once I get these other things underway. Once I have a couple of these I plan to run them through ITunes as a regular podcast show. We will see where that ends up as well. I really appreciate the help and you passing the word. If you know of any other educators who might want to to work with me on this, please let me know!

The interesting thing that I am seeing is that the kids are clammering for it. If I can reach kids, I will have no problem promoting it as they get it and know it works. My students are all over me to get it! Its the adults that I am encountering as the problem. I believe they don't support it because they don't understand it.

I hope the web will help me with this. Thanks.

In the meantime--no time for sleeping these days :) Sue Palmer aka The Maze
Excellent - I will send you materials from Thursdays Conference, and put up the links on Classroom 2.0 too.
Have a good weekend.



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