Okay, so this is going to be a bit of a long thread starter, but one of the reasons I was turned onto this community by my research advisor is because he mentioned how active it was, and how most teachers here are very friendly and helpful.

As I said in my introduction, I am doing research for my graduate degree on using blogs in the classroom. As of right now, I’m going to be focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of using blogging in the classroom.

The background behind the research is that I work in a school district that is against using blogging in the classroom. The person that takes care of computers and technology within the district feels that blogs cannot be made secure, and in my personal opinion really isn't all that informed in the ways of technology and the web. Yet, while the district won't allow us to use blogs and things like that, last April they sent me to a seminar that was put on by Will Richardson about using blogs in a classroom and the benefits of blogging in the classrooms. He did his whole presentation using this website.

What I need to move on with my research is access to some teachers, and blogs that there classes are doing. Attached is the document I just wrote about some of the things that I am looking for in my research and why I need it.

Any and all feedback, questions and comments are welcomed. I could use any and all help on this one! I know I got some feedback right away from Konrad, and I just started reading his blog about his own research! Also, if you are willing to allow me to look at your class blogs, and wouldn't mind me interviewing you... please contact me through this site or my e-mail address!

Thank you in advanced!

Tags: 2.0, advantages, blogging, classroom, disadvantages, reseach, web, wikis

Views: 602


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I've been blogging for a year with my 4th, 5th and 6th grade students in a gifted program. You can see the blog at A Really Different Place I've blogged on my own blog site about student blogging several times if you want more details you can find it at my blog A Not So Different Place
Thanks a lot. I will get to checking it out as soon as possible. :)




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