Hello to all peer coaches out there.

I'm interested to hear about the different ways peer coaching is happening in your school. The time you have to work with teachers. The way you support teachers in integrating technology into their classrooms. And the types of planning tools that support the coaching process.

Love to hear from you...


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I've put some things I've done on my blog: http://www.ppsblogs.net/brianmckee
Thanks Brian. I have had a look. You certainly do have many teachers to work with and offer many options. How do you follow up with these teachers? Is it something you do online or do you get to see them again?
I only wish peer coaching was used outside of anti-drug dogma.
I am a project facilitator for a technology peer coaching model which encompasses 6 school districts in Northern Arizona. It is based on the Puget Sound Center model, linked on this group's home page. We're just completing our first year in operation.

We have 30 coaches and 49 collaborating teachers in the program. We will train 30 new coaches for next year. We provide each coach with a full set of technology equipment (laptop, SmartBoard, speakers, projector, digital video camera, document camera and security items), train them how to use any of the items they don't already know how to use, and provide extensive training on coaching skills and the lesson improvement process using technology. One goal is to help coaches establish model technology-enhanced classrooms which can then be used with collaborating teachers.

We're funded with an EETT federal grant, administered through our state department of education. For more info, see www.fusd1.org/naticc. We'll be doing a poster session at NECC in San Antonio this summer.
Hi Tricia,
This sounds like a wonderful program. Learning peer to peer is a great way to learn and what a bonus for your coaches to be supported in such a way.

Thanks for joining my group. If interested you can also follow me on Twitter at -
http://twitter.com/helenotway and diigo.

Look forward to learning and sharing with you,



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