I also just found QlipBoard and Klerpoof and wondered if anyone has used them or other tools that work well for the k-5 GROUP? I have used Squeak with 5th grade.

Tags: DigitalStorytelling, art, cartoon, kids

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Looks good, I'll check them out in depth. I've said this before but I wonder how many of the Web 2.0 cool tools will be around in a year and free? When I first got into "new" technologies about 15 years ago many were free Blackboard, eboard, RiverDeep, Big Chalk and more. They eventually melded together, went away or charged a fee. I wonder if this will happen with the cool things we are using now. These are the latest ones my kids use Floorplanner, Alice, Scratch, Scrapblog, Animoto, ArtPad--have you seen all of those?
I use Squeak, Scratch, Alice,html Lego builder (the 4th grade loves this) Sketch-up, toondo (if I have time to set it up past the main page-somethings posted there my catholic school would freak at). I have the really old version of Kid Pix so I tried to use Tux Paint but can't get it to print on my network printers.

I have lots and lots of stuf for my 6-9th group-but would love some productivity stuff for my little guys other than just the stuff on www.internet4classrooms.com, kidspiration.. I use software to support the benchmarks and grade level standards. My web page is http://comouterkiddoswiki.pbwiki.com You can find my lists of Open Source software there, Programming languages for kids, as well as the actual lesson plans I have used or are in the process of putting together.

My 5th graders favorite project this year was using Westpoint bridge design to create virtual bridges, and then I brought in gumdrops and toothpicks and the built the bridge they created,There is a picture of one of the bridges under the heading St. Anthony's What are we working on right now. I love to share ideas. What have been some of your favorite projects?

The best price I have found for uplaoding and then publishing student books has been at Snapfish. I just finished a Map unit with 3rd grade where we did our version of Me on the Map. The hard cover book was only 19.99. I used a floorplan maker off a teacher site for a drag and drop, then the kids drew maps using Kid pix. We then walked through the school and took photo's of rooms they mapped.
I teach in gifted program K-6 and have the same kids every year. The programs I mentioned earlier are used by individuals when they are working independently, I've just introduced a lot of them so we are still at the look-around and figure out stage. No real product yet. You can see al the stuff we've done at my blog There are some individual blog posts on some of the projects if you want to read the full story. We just finished the Pirate Wiki (the end product for a huge research unit). In the Spring we did a gigantic grant project called CSI:Cemetery Scene Investigation This fall we collaborated with some reg ed 5th graders to put a fieldtrip online at A Walking Tour of NE Kansas City.

We also have a class blog. One thing I'm looking forward to after the holidays is Titanic in the Classroom. You can read about how I came to "own" this curriculum on my blog. The database isn't ready yet but hopefully will be after Christmas.

Since we only see the kids one day a week some of these projects can take months. I'm never at a loss for great technology projects. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Wow!! I loved the Cemetery and Walkig tour sites. You are way ahead of me. Last year I did a walking tour of our downtowen area where the kids researched stained glass windows in 7 area Catholic Churches. we turned it into a book we published at Snapfish and a Photostory using Microsoft Phoitostory. What a great Idea to turn it intoa entire Web Page. I also took my junior High last year to a cenetery to study some of the founders of our city. They dressed in period costumes and stepped out from behind the tombstone and did a living biography that we filmed. Loads of history in a cemetery!

Thats for sharing your ideas-that is the best part .
Sounds like you are doing some wonderful things with your kids, too. The best thing I've ever done or will ever do with kids is Guardians of Freedom. We ended a 6 month study of WWII by interviewing 54 WWII veterans. The project changed everyone involved for the better. I wrote about it on my blog if you want more details. I still hear from people every month five years later asking questions about the project or wanting to make contact with one of our veterans,

I think that the content and learning is more important than the technology. The temptation is to wow parents and classroom teachers (and sometimes the kids) with cool tools but many times with no substance. That is an ongoing challenge for me--it's easy to fool yourself into thinking there is relevance and substance in a project when all it is is fluff. Real work takes real work!! Yikes ! Go KU!
I have links to hundreds of Web 2.0 tools on the Examples of Student Work page of my website. I teach Beginning and Intermediate English Language Learners, and don't put tools on the site unless they are accessible to my students. They should be good for all of your students, especially if they are native-English speakers:

Larry, I just spent an hour looking at your extensive list of fun tools. I found a bunch I hadn't seen and plan to take a closer look and share with kids. Thanks for all your work--it must have taken you 100 hours to find all those!!

Glad you found them useful. I keep updating them on my website and via my blog:

Thanks, I'll use your blog to keep informed.
You have some great resources. Right now my internet throught comcast is HORRIBLE-and yep I ment to shout. I can only get 2-3 kids onat a time. Of course the network administrator is blaming comcast- comcast is blaing y network. all I know is up until 3 weeks ago I had a great instructional life- everyone could get on the net. I researched and planned projects around the net and now-----I am suffering. I had no idea how many web based tools I had incorporated until I lost access to them. Is their a patron saint of technology???? I need my internet back!!!!!!!!

I can hear your pain. I hope people stop playing the "blame game" and get things back up and running for you, and your students.
Kelley--Boy I thought those days were gone. I remember when I first started using the internet in the early 90s (?) I could click on a link--change the laundry and fold a load--come back and finally see what I was looking for!! Now I get cranky if I have to wait a few seconds for a site to load!! Hang in there--whine to higher ups.



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