I'm planning for an upcoming science project. Students will choose a topic of their choice and then gather, share and evaluate the information they find. I 'd like a way for students to have information from the web fed to them based on their topic. For example if they chose to research "cloning" , they would be able to have the latest news and opinions fed into their reader. I remember seeing a piece of code that would allow you to feed all new content tagged with "cloning". I do see the potential problem for inappropriate material showing up in their reader.

Does anyone know if this is possible? or have suggestions for another way for students to have experience using RSS relating to a science topic of interest? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Tags: rss, science

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Hi Shaun,

I presented on one way that you could do this with del.icio.us (http://iucall.blogspot.com/2007/11/using-web-20-technologies-to-del...), but I don't think that this approach is what you have in mind. It is largely fed by the teach, though it could be tweaked to be fed by students or the general del.icio.us users.

You could have them pick a tag in del.icio.us and subscribe to that RSS feed. This is going to be very hit and miss though. I have to imagine any approach that relies on a tag (or series of tags) from a global search will be unwieldy. However, I'd love to hear if a service does exist that does this well.

Good luck,
I use RSS feed on the student blog to inspire student writing. I've found some "safe" science feeds you might be interested in. It wouldn't feed in by topic but they could scan or search the feeds for their topic. At least they would see what science feeds look like "coming in"...rather than having to search for the articles.
Hey Nancy:

The filter at our school's server blocked the "safe" science feeds link that you posted.

How ironic is that.

Would love to see the list of your feeds. Could you send them to me at matt@kalo.org
The reason the link was blocked was because it was my blog at http://anotsodifferentplace.blogspot.com Hopefully you have recourse in getting sites unblocked. Don't get me started!! haha. Here are the sites I tried to link you to, I'll email the links. N.

CBBC Newsround
Science Buzz--science
Why Files--science
Discovery Channel Headlines--science news
Nova Science Now --science news
Patent Pending inventions (blog written by a 15 year old boy)
PBS News Hour --news
Nancy: I went home and hooked to my own WIFI and had no problem there. You must have some kinky stuff on your blog. Just kidding. :))
I'm probably the only person in the world who hates to write but blogs anyway. My students' blog here http://areallydifferentplace.org and I like the idea of this blog of mine but it has no traffic http://averyoldplace.blogspot.com I retire next year so my blogging days will come it an end, I'm sure.
Watch out. I tried to retire. Lived a blissful life golfing for two years. www.ipdudehi.blogspot.com and www.squidoo.com/ipdude

Then my wife lost her job and I had to go back to work. Make sure this doesn't happen to you. To use the kids expression. It sucks. Now I spend my days chanting in Hawaiian here

Best of luck, congrats on the great work, and thanks for the links.


Have them sign up for google news feeds if possible. You can configure automated google searches and get them via RSS or e-mail. Simplest way I know of.

Hi Shaun,
Well, there are many RSS feed readers available but looking at your problem I have few suggestions for you, which are as following:
1. You can use Google Alerts : Create an alert of a particular keyword on google and it will mail you the results associated with that particular keyword. You can create N number of alerts, google gives u results as when anything is posted on Internet.
2. You can use Stumbleupon: This is simply a great way to find resources on any topic. It asks you to install an explorer toolbar, set your desired result preferences and you are ready to go.
Hope it helps




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