I need to conduct a study that (hopefully) demonstrates the advantages of student and teacher blogs, and other online learning. At the commencement of the 12 month period students will complete an online survey with responses ranked from 1 - 7. I would like help with developing some good questions to include in the survey. At the end of 12 months I hope to be able to have a measure of the learning that has taken place. If anyone has any good ideas for questions they would be very much appreciated.

Tags: blogs, survey

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Our administration is pushing blogs as long as they are instructional. We have had some success stories of students willing to write more since "going on the computer" is so much more fun than "pushing a pencil." I have some examples at my blog at http://www.ppsblogs.net/brianmckee if you want to see examples of ours and what others students in Virginia are doing. Good luck!
Thanks Brian. I am introducing blogging to a group of students who have not previously been taught to blog at school. I want to know what to ask them before they start, so I can measure the impact on what they have learned and how they learned it, after one year. Its difficult because I'm not really sure where blogging is taking them apart from being an alternative to paper. I will make it instructional and curriculum based, but learning the technology is just as important I think.
We also have had great luck with our year old blog. Students 4th-6th blog regularly. You can see student blogs, starting at "recent posts", and our objectives at http://areallydifferentplace.org. Let me know if you want any more details--I've blogged about how we got started at my blog. N
Thanks Nancy, and congratulations on a brilliant blog. I've been looking around it for hours. You have obviously been doing this a lot longer than me. Your mission statement was very helpful. I suppose I'd like to know what improvements you see in students who have been given the opportunity to blog, and what you consider to be the main advantages. I appreciate your feedback.
I was just watching a segment on CBS Sunday Moring show about how conversation is being lost in part because of technology. Blogging allows my kids to converse---maybe not rocket science but they seem to enjoy having opinions about something and having someone respond. It also gives them a wider audience--so many times a kid's writing gets a spot on the refrigerator and no one ever sees it. Our blog has the option to post "books". Several of my writers have written entire books on the site and others read them and critique them.

I also use the blog as a "formal" writing experience wheich gifted kids get very few of in the regular classroom. (sad)

Funny blogging story--I have a student with OCD, anxiety disorder, and Aspergers. He is a brilliant kid and a gifted writer. I'm trying to use the blogging to force some socialization. I talked to him about my expectation that he would join some conversations and respond to others' blog posts. He, not making eye contact, seemed to understand. That night when I opened the blog site to respond, I saw his latest blog entry...."The History of Earth"!! He just couldn't do it--he couldn't socialize and fell back on one of his black and white topics!!

Good Luck with your blogging, N

I've written on some of our projects at my blogs here and here.
Thanks Nancy. I love your work. Has anyone responded to "The History of Earth"? It seems more likely to be a successful communication tool for a student like this, than anything else we can offer.
Here are all of his blog posts---do you see a trend? He just posted one this afternoon on....Mars! Let me know if you want to respond I'll set you up an account. N
Indeed yes. I imagine there are many students with similar interests who would like to engage with him though. Rather than responding myself (I'll just sound like a teacher) I'd like to introduce him to a student of mine. Unfortunately in Australia we have just commenced our summer break. If I can still find this thread in February, I'll sign up one of my students to comment. Thanks for your ideas on book reviews (below) too. You have a lot to offer.
Nancy: what if I got some trustworthy students to respond to him? I have a teacher also blogging with her students, and they might be interested. All the students in her class have written permissions from parents as well as being carefully monitored by the teacher.
That would be great. Email me nbosch@aol.com the names of teacher and students and I'll set up accounts. All of my kids have parent permission, and know that any sloppily written drivel will be deleted. Actually, I've only deleted 2 posts in a year. One was a "my day was really boring, I got up, watched, TV, etc" I figure they can chat in a different forum. The other one I deleted was one written by a 6th grade girl on a local teen who was pregnant, unbeknowst to her parents, and the infant ended up dead. Thought it was R rated for elementary school. (I discussed it with her first)

Look forward to hearing from you, N.
Thanks---I think I'll teach in the states half time and In Australia half time....but I'll take the summer in both places!! Let us know if you find some students to blog with us. The kids would be thrilled. N
I have a librarian (I'm responsible for 1,000 students and 75 teachers in two bldgs.) who wants to blog with his students by reviewing books, but the interest level of students is wayyyyyyy looowww. What suggestions are there for getting them excited about reading and responding? He's reaching out for advice.



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