HELP-Need Teachers to have disucssion with my Education Majors!!

This is a request is for teachers, elementary and secondary who would be willing to join class discussions beginning with summer session.

I am just beginning to think about how I can do this, so, I haven't quite figured out how all the nitty-gritty details will work, but this Classroom 2.0 seems like a great place to begin.

My students are soon to be classroom teachers. I'd like them to have real discussions about technology and teaching and learning with real teachers (besides just me). Ones who are using technology with purpose in their classrooms. They need to hear from the trenches.

Sometimes I believe they think I am feeding them a line and teachers out there aren't really doing all this stuff. If you are reading thin then I know you are one of the teachers I am talking about. So I need your help.

Right now I am thinking each week (beginning in June), I will post a discussion about the topic we are learning about and doing in class and everyone can join in the discussion. By the way the class is online. This class is very project based, for example, when we discuss blogs, they create one, when we talk about social bookmarking, they do it, when we talk about classroom websites they make their own, etc. etc. On my syllabus I begin by saying:

"You are encouraged to be a Knowledge Seeker rather than a Knowledge Meeter, i.e., You need to add education to your course rather than add a course to your education."

At the moment some of the Units in my course include:
• The Internet & Educational Websites to support your curriculum
• Integrating the Internet into your classroom curriculum
• Kan-ed & it’s wide variety FREE Resources for Kansas Teachers
• Educational Technology Publications-Free Subscriptions
• WEB 2.O-Blogs, Wiki’s & Podcasts, Social Bookmarking, Social Networking, etc.
• Classroom Enhancements: iPods, PDA’s, SmartBoards
• Open-Source software
• Creating PowerPoint Games
• Using Digital Cameras & Images in your classroom, online photo sharing
• Educational Software (demos, trials, freeware, shareware, purchasing, licensing, open-source)
• Inspiration (concept mapping and organization – thinking maps)
• Using United Streaming in your classroom or other such resources
• Grammar of the Internet and Internet Safety (Alan November)

And a variety of others I can't think of right now. Of course it changes all the time in a effort to keep current. Needless to say, this class is packed full. And summer is in 7 weeks rather than 15.

If you would be interested in joining in our discussion this summer and in the future, let me know. I would appreciate it more than I can say. If you have ideas on other things I should include in the course or ways to accomplish this, let me hear from you.

I suspect I will create a Classroom 2.0 site just for the class and invite all of you as friends? What do you think?

Tags: classes, ideas, learning, resources, teaching, technology

Views: 390

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I would love to join in. I am a classroom teacher using blogging, websites, group e-mails, United Streaming, SmartBoards, application software such as Excel and PowerPoint, etc. I teach 5th grade (with Christine Southard) in a collaborative classroom (22 students - 7 special ed). Love to share what I do. Check out our website and blogsite to see some technology in action.

Ooh, ooh! Me, too! Me, too!

(Secondary English and history in Milwaukee area)

And, like some others here, I, too will be teaching a Web 2.0 strand for our summer technology academy. (So I might steal some of your curriculum in exchange...)
I just graduated with my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction from Wichita State. I would be more than happy to help out. I am also working with the South Central Kansas Writing Project this summer so maybe we could collaborate between the 2 classes.



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