Exactly 7 days left to order an XO Laptop as part of One Laptop Per Child project

I am a Get One Give One Participant. It's the educational project by One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). I received my XO Laptop four days ago and I am ecstatic. I know there is an XO group here, and I just joined that group, but this message is intended for those of you who may not know about this project or who know a little and have been considering looking into it.

There is still time - Please take a look at the link to my XO blog posts, including a great short video review by New York Times tech reviewer, David Pogue.

I believe this is a very worthwhile project. I would be interested in what others here think about OLPC.

Tags: OLPC, XOLaptop

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Thanks for sharing about this project. I hadn't heard about it.
Thanks for the link to your blog and your YouTube playlist. (http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0ADFAC156BA8183A)
It seems helpful.
Thanks, Kevin. I just took a look at your Z for zeitgeist video - very nice. I also added your blog to my feed reader. It looks like you're involved in some interesting projects (including the OLPC!) and I'm looking forward learning more. Have a great holiday!
See you on the web
And hopefully, you can add your voice to our Day in a Sentence feature in the new year
Responded on your blog! FYI, there's a small Portland OR user group organizing on the OLPC wiki for f2f meetups, and I'd like to invite you to join the XO group here on Classroom 2.0.
I wish there were such a group where I live.
I got mine!

Now I need more hours in the day!
Sylvia, please join the Classroom 2.0 XO User group! Jane
OK - didn't see that. Will do!
In case you are still considering participating in the One Laptop Per Child Give One Get One program (there are less than two days left!).
Here is a link to a one minute YouTube video clip I just created.
I have been following the devlopment of this program. I love the way they designed it kid proof-dust free water safe and it can even be dropped! If I had 400 dollars one would be mine for sure. However I live in the midwest and the economy up here in the cold north is horrible. My hubby has been wothout a job for 7 months-so we are living on my teachers salary.

This is a great idea-has really cool features like the solar panal, tablet top ect. Hopefully this will motivate some of the big boys to create laptops that are more kid friendly!



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