Hi everyone,

I'm in need of good examples of classroom blogs/wikis/podcasts to show during an upcoming inservice for teachers at my school. Does anyone know of any excellent examples of how classroom 2.0 tools are being used in schools (particularly at the high school level... or at least secondary)?? If so, can you post the link?

I'd like to showcase several good uses of each of these tools so my teachers can see what's out there and how to use these tools. Any subject area, but hopefully at the secondary level. Help?? Comments? Suggestions?

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I am a secondary social studies teacher who uses podcasts and other Web 2.0 tools in my classes. I have also created a website www.masterymaze.com to share my work and to provide a safe place for teachers and students to learn. My podcasts are also in iTunes as MasteryCast. Feel free to explore the Maze and use whatever you would like. The podcast page on the site also has a podcast which discusses how and why I did this. I am working on a second podcast for the page on the use of Camtasia studio. I use this program to create the masterycasts in the subjects pages. If you register you can download them as well. We have been up for about 2 months and hope to grow the community in the new year.

Good Luck!

Sue P aka The Maze
I teach elementary gifted kids and we have done a lot with blogs and wikis over the last year. You can see our classroom blog and the wikis we've done here. Student blogs are listed on the left or you can start with Recent Posts. We've also used Moodle for online book discussions.

I haven't tried it yet but I like the blog written from the view point of a historical person.
I teach 4th and 6th grade, but my blog would might be a good example of what any teacher could do with their students. Check it out at www.mrsolson.edublogs.org. I use it for sharing resources, writing prompts/practice, collaboration with classes at different schools, gathering information, assignments.........
Love your blog! Thanks for sharing it. I am a computer lab teacher and have been looking for ideas on how to incorporate blogging with my 4th and 5th graders. :)
Amber - contact me on my blog, I'd love to work on a blog project with you and your students. Not many teachers out there anymore who teach technology to this age group!
Jeff, nice of you to mention me!

That blog: http://nicholasfifth.edublogs.org is no longer current, and is at elementary level (but may be interesting for archival purposes). I've put some suggestion for comprehensive lists later in this thread. I've also mentioned you research on a related thread: http://classroom20.ning.com/forum/topic/show?id=649749%3ATopic%3A93754 that you might wan to check out.
The best thing is to go to a place like classblogmeister.com and browse through some entries. I'm sure you'll find an example or two or three that will work for you.

Please feel free to check out my wiki page. There you will find samples of students projects, interactive lesson pages, a section for teachers with lists of web 2.0 tools and free Open source software, a section for Students, and a parent section a. The main page is quite long- It kinda grew this year as I address the needs of my new location. And each sections has links to other pages http://computerkiddoswiki.pbwiki.com. You will love Ncy's site as well She has some great ideas.
I was instrumental in setting up a blog for 7th graders to discuss and analyze Shakespeare's The Tempest:
http://www.thetowntempest.blogspot.com/, This blog was used for a period of several months and included student writings, illustrations and digital images manipulated with Photoshop.
After this (our first foray into blogging)), we started hosting our blogs on our intranet which is password protected.
We have used blogs in an 8th grade French class as well.
I hope this helps.
Here's another plug for edublogs - wonderful, easy way for any teacher to get set up blogging
http://davidmcdivitt.wordpress.com has been up and running for nearly two years. I use this blog as a place to share my experiences of using computer games in my world history and sociology classrooms. I also started http://oakhillworldhistory.wordpress.com as another site to put study links on for my history students. One link I use is to gcast, which is where I post podcasts of chapter reviews.
Hi David,

I took a peek at your work and it looks like we are teaching the same book. I also teach 9th grade world history with the McDougall Littell Patterns of Interaction text. If you are interested in collaborating on a joint class project, or working together to create podcasts, let me know. My work in on my site in the Subjects section under Ancient World History and US History. I am looking for the opportunity to co creat podcasts with other educators. I can add to audio created by others and produce a video podcast in Camtasia studio, or whatever anyone else is interested in doing. My podcasts have transformed my classroom and my at risk students are now learning much more than they have before because they are able to download and take them with them. I am sure you have found them useful as well? Feel free to use MasteryMaze if you feel it is useful. The Forum and all aspects of te site are to be shared; I can post your material as well in subjects if you are interested.

Good stuff. Let me know if you are interested in duscussing possibilities.

Thanks for the info! Sue P



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