Call to Participation: Education to Environment: Think Globally, Act Locally !

If you are interested by ecology and if you want to meet pupils and teachers from France, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Poland... you can also register you on our group Save the Planet on our network School Outside The Walls

if you register you and sign in, please, respect these following rules for your students:

1. Only personal picture or drawings are accepted for profile picture: don't put your favourite top model or soccer player ;-)
2. Take time to explore our site before doing anything else
3. don't upload commercial photos or videos to respect copyright

Tags: e.learning, e.twinnings, environment

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Thanks for sharing this. It looks very interesting. It will take me some time as I do not speak French, but I am interested in information about your work. I am interested in doing collaborative global projects with my students. I also have a learning community site which you are welcome to visit and share!

I will explore yours as well.

Sue P
Hi Sue,

Thank you very much. I got a look on your site and it sounds interesting. We'll put a link to your site... Even if you don't speak french, we can share ideas and materials: members of our european educational network often translate in different languages different materials. For example, about a special program called Poets' Spring in which we share poems and soon videos-poems...

But of course the most important is for us to gather teachrs AND students in the same network. Trust me, my pupils take a big benefit to join directly pupils from others countries. And we wouls like to dee american teachers and pupils join us for the action Save the Planet... Actually, we prepare a big program about environment with teachers from Sovenia, Italy, Spain and Slovakia, for next schoolyear 2008/2009. During the preliminary period, we test web 2.0 tools and collect materials to act locally. For example, even if you don't speak french, you can see a post about a natural site in Provence where live rare bat species.
Thank you. I am very interested in setting something up. I am going to see if the site can be translated and perhaps we can talk more about a project. My email direct is I teach in a medium sized rural district in New York state and my students would get much from a global collaboration. I cover history but any social issue can be included in our program.


Sue P
ok I give you also my email and my ID Skype: vincent.mespoulet . I teach also history (so you'll find many materials and documents about history on our network) , geography, civics. I teach in a middle school located in a small town called Manosque (Provence, South of France) where lived a famous french writer of the 20th century, Jean Giono. If you wish to prepare with us this environment program you can register you on and if you are satisfied, you can try to suggest to your students to join us...
Dear Vincent and Louise,

I will look at this over the weekend and register. I am not sure about Ning but our site is used by both teachers and students. My students and others around the world have registered. You will see the Forum page has two forums on it. One is for teachers and one is for students. If you would like, we can set up a similar topic as a forum topic in the Maze as well and your students can post there and talk to the other students in English. We can do an English version. I can also see if some of the French language students in our school are interested in doing so as well?

Can I make a suggestion? I have a forum post in the teachers forum of the site on possibilities for a collaboration project. Any interested teachers can converse there as well and we can see what we can arrange. I will email you with the final result after I have talked to the others in our school, but I would suggest the forum in the Maze as a central place to talk, if that makes sense and if we have other teachers who want to coordinate with us. I will email you in any event.

I have a similar post in the student forum of the Maze as well. Any students interested in giving suggestions for topics can also post them there as well. I will talk to the other teachers early next week and will get back to you with something by email by next Wednesday at the latest!

This is exciting. Thank you for sharing this with us. I hope we can coordinate something!

Sue Palmer aka The Maze
Hi -

If you're interested, I've started a ning on global collaboration. Feel free to crosspost your project there and maybe you'll find a few interested people!

Lucy Gray
Great site! I will add a page soon. Thanks.
Thank you Lucy, i'll register me on your network. Do you know if there is in your country ning with both teachers and students ?

Vincent from The School Outside the Walls
Thank you Louise, i check out your wiki about biology and environment and have seen very nice materials about it... Thank you ! If you agree, maybe we'll translate in french and others languages some of your materials. unfortunately for me, your hurricane blog din't work correctly...

On our site, you can find materials in french like this Powerpoint file about Global Warming and effects on ice floe a...: after all it's the International Polar Year ...
Have a Nice Day !
Thanks for sharing these wonderful sites, Vincent, "Maze," and Lucy!
Thanks a lot, Mr Indigo !



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