My students have been colloborating for the past two days on Blogetiquette and several reminders to keep in mind when blogging. Some of them seemed a little perturbed that not all were participating, so I've attached a list of their ideas. Let me know if anyone has been able to come up with some better ideas or if you see any they have left off. I might be able to "lead" them to those ideas next week in our class meetings. Please continue to pass along their site! They are absolutely loving all of the comments and feedback.

Tags: blogging, student

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I think the list sounds great. I was actually looking for this type of list last night.
Here is a blog post about leaving comments. I don't know if it helps my students but I constantly re-enforce the idea of "conversation". I also stress the formal writing on the blog, no IM or chat lingo. You can see some student posts by starting at recent posts.
Thanks for this!
This is a concised ,crisp and clear list of instructions. In my school many teachers have started with classroom blogging concept. This will help them in guiding the students.
I think talking to students about copyright laws, copying pictures from internet ,using resources etc will also help them in writing their original post.

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Thanks for sharing.
I read with interest your document, and i think it's a good way to help our pupils to an appropriate use of a multi-blog. I'll take some ideas to write (in french...) the blogetiquette of the ning network i manage, where around 200 members are students from 10 to 18 and from 7 or 8 differents countries of Europe. You guess that the problem of blogetiquette is harder to solve with teenagers...

from The School Ouside the Walls / L'école Hors les Murs
When we started having our students blog, it was, and still is mostly directed writing. We felt we needed a permission slip with some general rules and understanding that would help teachers and students understand what was expected of them in terms of behavior and comments. We developed a permission slip using a guideline from Will Richardson's book Wikis, Blogs and Podcasts.
I really like the list of starter sentences for comments as students often have trouble starting a conversational comment. I've attached the permission slip for any who are interested.
I've mentioned this before but we use RSS feeds (in the left menu) from appropriate sites for possible topics but I've found, even with my 4th-6th graders, they have had no trouble thinking of things to write about. They also have access to Creative Writing Prompts (on the right). I post my blog on the homepage so they can use my ideas or they read Recent Posts to comment on other kiddos writing. Let me know if you need further info.
Don't forget to have the students leave their individual school blog url if they want other bloggers to visit and comment on personal school blogs. Our students are disappointed when their blog commenters don't leave links.

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