I'd like to invite middle school teachers (or teachers of younger ages who can handle it) to participate in our 2008 Presidential Campaign Trail wiki , a PBL unit. This is a space where students can learn about the basic curriculum surrounding the campaign trail and the electoral college. We can also expand into propaganda literacy, and even the 3 branches of federal government. It also utilizes distance collaborations and other digital literacy and citizenship skills. When you visit the site, please know that I have requested that the ads be removed.

I'm hoping that as the trail heats up, different schools will volunteer to watch and archive the results from each primary/caucus and hopefully debate. I also would like them to research and follow a candidate of their choice, then create a video/audio recording that supports their candidate. The video/audio pieces could be shared with the candidates' campaign offices, or even with local TV/Radio for airing.

If we have enough schools participating, I'd also like to see us follow the debates, and perhaps even do a debate simulation or just a good discussion over distance amongst ourselves.

Even schools of other countries can participate, if they have an interest in watching the elections. They could ask the US kids questions about different candidates, based on issues important to the out-of-US students.

The possibilities are endless! The wiki has just been started and you're welcome to join in!

You can reach me at:
gingerl {at} essdack {dot} org
Skype: GingerTPLC
Twitter: GingerTPLC

Tags: campaign, caucus, conventions, democrat, president, primary, republican, social_studies

Views: 119

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I would LOVE to do this, but only have my students for 10 days at a time...........bummer. Good luck!
Even if you have them for 10 days, you may find one or two who are really interested. If you'd like, you may just toss the idea out there, show the kids the wiki, then send me a message if you think you may have some takers. I'll keep an eye on them for you.

But what / where do you teach, that you only have them for this short of time?
I think that this is another good resource for kids to visit with a critical eye. It's about discussion threads and there are a lot of opinions, not fact on there. However, in seeing these types of online discussions, students can begin to dialogue and consider their own views even further in the light of others' discussions.

Thanks for the contribution!
it's a great project ! you said that schools from others coiuntries can participate. I suggest to send you how french medias (newspapers, TV) are relating this campaign in France. Do you think it's a good idea ? Do you have in your school a teacher teaching french ?

Vincent, Manosque, Provence, France

ID Skype: vincent.mespoulet
my european network: http://horslesmurs.ning.com (School Beyond the Walls)
This would be of interest to high school students as well. We can also put this on our list of topics as things get closer to summer. I will perhaps put a page in the Maze where you can submit this type of material as well. Our students may find it interesting. I will email you when I have done so. Thanks!

I would love to have your high school students get involved! They could take us even further as November draws near. Let me know if/when we can post this into the Maze. It's a wonderful site you offer people for learning on their own terms! yay! I do think we could fit in to that.
You can post comments in the forum any time. I can create a special forum topic on whatever you want. My direct email is masterymaze@gmail.com. Your students can register and post in the forum any time. Let me know what you would like the topic to be and I will set it up to get started. I can open the forum up to more than just text also if that would make sense. Whenever you would like. It is for everyone.


I think this would be GREAT if you would consider participating. Even if your students don't contribute (which, if they would, it could be an amazing bonus), we'd love to have your views as one not from the US!

After our Skype conversation this morning (afternoon for you), I added a page and a welcome message for you and your students. You can find the link on the left-hand task bar of the wiki: French elections process.

Thank you and I look forward to Skyping between our classes!
ok and thanks Ginger. I'll post as soon as possible about french presidential electons...
Example of the day:

Blacks & Whites
Voilà un soutien qui donne des insomnies à Hillary. Non, pas celui de John Kerry à Barack Obama – franchement, il n’y a pas de quoi se relever la nuit. Mais celui que risque d’offrir sur un plateau Jim Clyburn à Obama. Jim who ? Clyburn est le Black le plus galonné de la Chambre des Représentants (avec le poste de whip des Démocrates) mais, surtout, il est l’homme politique noir le plus influent de Caroline du Sud.

Jusqu’à présent, il est resté neutre dans la primaire démocrate. Mais il se demande aujourd’hui s’il ne va pas changer d’avis. La raison ? Deux séries de commentaires, l’une de Bill, l’autre de Hillary. Clyburn n’a pas apprécié que Bill traite Obama de « kid » et qu’il voie dans son « rêve », inspiré de Martin Luther King, un « conte de fées ». Il n’a pas davantage goûté la gaffe de Hillary, expliquant qu’il a fallu Lyndon Johnson pour « commencer à réaliser » le rêve de King (les marches, les emprisonnements, les lynchages auraient compté pour du beurre ?). Il reprend ainsi l’indignation de Donna Brazile, ex-stratège black de Bill Clinton et d’Al Gore, qui a clairement indiqué qu’elle aurait traité de raciste quiconque aurait tenu les propos qu’a tenus Bill (aucun Noir, tout de même, n'accuse les Clinton d'être racistes, ce serait absurde).

C’est une mauvaise nouvelle pour Hillary Clinton, la Caroline du Sud comptant près de 50% d’électeurs démocrates noirs. Les sondages (oui, je sais…) n’indiquent d’ailleurs aucun boost post-New Hampshire : Obama est à 42%, Hillary à 30%.

Mais le plus intéressant est ailleurs : il ne faut pas grand-chose pour que le facteur racial, qu’Obama est jusqu’ici parvenu à éclipser, refasse surface. Et l’on n’a pas fini de le voir pointer le bout de son nez…
Hi again,

I upload 3 different videos with movies extracts or previews... I like so much Primary Colors from Mike Nichols (i watch him one hour ago on french tv speaking about his last film with Tom Hanks...) and the etrnal The Candidate. I upload also the preview of a recent french movie about the Presidential Campaign's topic "Le Candidat"...
Enjoy !



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