Know any good sites to download free audio books for elementary kids?

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Our public library offers 4000+ audio books. I don't know how the "membership" works but you could check it out and then check your local library. Warning about this option--the d/ls are not compatible with iPod.
The only sites I know about are and I don't know how appropriate their selections are for your use. A lot of their material consists of older books now in the public domain, and, therefore, free. is mostly *new* stuff ... but also mostly for older audiences.

The Flown Sky is a nice one specifically geared for 7 - 12.

And there *is* a version of Wizard of Oz there as well.

There's not a lot of children's stuff per se, but there's a YA section and several titles which are avoiding the "YA" tag like the plague that it is.

If there's something in particular you're looking for, you can actually slide on over to the podiobooks community here and talk to the authors and readers there ... See if somebody would be willing to take on a project for you.

[Disclaimer: I'm a podiobooks author with four titles listed on the site -- none of which is particularly well suited to elementary school]
I suggest you should browse the catalog at LibriVox by genre ( The section "children" is available.
There are a lot of places to d/l the classics like Check your public library for contemporary works.
In Kansas, if you have a state Kansas library card you can download them from their website. You can listen to them on your computer, burn some of them to CD, or sync them to your MP3. You might check your state library & see if they have something similiar.
Hey, I'm from Kansas, too. I mentioned our library system in the first post! Small world, N.
This site has a long list of audio stories:

This is a great site, Kevin! The quality, from the ones I clicked on, is so high- really professional. I wonder how I could find the "book" the story tellers are reading from, so I could match up print with text... I guess I could just listen and go through editions (err, I could). Great resource.



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