For those of you who have used iPod and/or podcasting with students (or educators), what "best practices" do you recommend?

Tags: best practices, iPod, podcasting

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I have not delved into podcasting, yet. I have tried on several occassions and cannot get anything off of the ground. However, I have used iPods to administer oral exams to Special Ed students. I have also used them to deliver videos of Science labs for students who cannot be in the lab room. I have also used them for audio books. Our school just bought 10 Nanos to increase the number of students who can use them for tests and other projects I have floating around in my brain.
I recently did a presentation on iPod and Podcasting best practices with a colleague and member of this group, and we referenced all that you mention, David, as best practices in using the iPod in the classroom. Do you have examples of your science labs you'd be willing to share?

I've created a resource list of iPod/Podcasting best practices at I'd love to reference anything you'd be willing to share!
I would love to share, unfortunately, they videos are of students. I do not have parental permission to put their faces on the internet. I am sure I could get permission, but I am concerned that I would be bending some policy somewhere. The science lab videos were students demonstrating some laws of physics examples.
One of the projects we started last year and are still refining is "iRead," where students are using iPods (and in some cases GarageBand) to improve reading fluency. We did initial testing last year and based on those results have expanded this year. Our group of about 15 2nd-8th grade teachers meets on a monthly basis to share ideas and learn more.
More info:
Thanks for all of the info. I especially liked the links to articles. My district needs some convincing that I am not making it (iPods in the classroom) all up.
We have an excited group of teachers who are finding kids "really" motivated by using these. Most of the students are ELD students, many of whom have never hear their voices before. I look forward to hearing (and seeing) your successes.
Hi Brad! It's very exciting to learn about your iRead project. My school is offering grant money for the first time. I'm applying for one of the grants to bring the project idea into our school. Just wanted to give you a 'thank you' shout.
I just came across this idea in the Technology in Special Ed Group
Here is a link to the iPod project that I am working on right now. I am always looking for new ideas about how to use iPods in the classroom.
Hi Kathy, I went to your workshop at the CoSN conference in DC earlier this month. You had such wonderful ideas, I really liked how you keep running records with the podcasting. I have been trying to find out more of how you can do this, but CoSn has not uploading the presentations yet. Do you or anyone else have a how to guide or website?
Hi Mary,

Yes...I have a few resource sites for you. Click here for a resource list that Joe Morelock and I put together. Also, another site specific to the reading intervention we discussed is our iRead program. Let me know if you'd like more information, and we can chat!!
HI Kathy,
I have been Podcasting for some time and my students love to use the Podcasts to review information and rewrite their notes. One of the most powerful uses of Podcasts I have found however was to have my students (paramedic program) create Podcasts of medical reports. I provide them with a template for giving a medical report and a rubric so that they know how the reports will be graded. It's always been a challenge in the past to teach students how to give a good quality report but with the Podcast assignment they spend quite a bit of time practicing what they will say, the sequence in which they'll say it and the proper use of medical terminology. The improvement in the reporting skills has been dramatic compared with they way we used to simply integrate reporting into they lab in the past.
cheers, Rob (my blog)



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