Permalink Reply by Carl on January 18, 2008 at 11:54am
I teach 7th - 8th graders basic technology skills. I use ATutor for projects, students find it easy to use and like taking tests, uploading/downloading class files.
Permalink Reply by Carl on January 18, 2008 at 12:20pm
I teach in a basic computer ed class at my middle school. My students will have to take at least one online course during high school, (has become a requirement). I am blending my face to face class with online instruction so that at least some of our students have the skills to survive, hopefully they will be able to help the others. I don't get to instruct all of the students as there are 500+ studens and only one of me.
Currently, I have put my objectives, state standards, rubric, etc online for my projects. I can also put files for students to download and they can upload files in a storage area or turn them in to me online. There are many options to choose from when setting up a class online. one has to be careful not to overwhelm students that are not used to this level of technology.