Anyone heard of Power Point? I just came across this the other day. Seems like it could be used by students.... I'm a little nervous to try it out... anyone else have any experience using it with students?
If you're looking for a presentation tool, Prezi is the best I've encountered. It allows students to easily create engaging presentations. But there are some other free presentation tools out there that work as good alternatives to PowerPoint, as well -- I recently wrote a blog post about it.
Thanks I'll be sure to look into Prezi... right now, this new Power Point thing looks complex enough... I guess it must be so new that Im the only one on here that has ever heard of it.
Kids know more about creating powerpoints than many teachers do:) Turn to them for suggestions on what they like and how to create awesome ones.
You can also google POWERPOINTS in your subject area and find some already done. I think however that it is better to create your own since some of the already made ones sometimes have problem links.
Go to the search engine GOOGLE (Yahoo is another and there are others). In the search bar, type POWERPOINTS FOR TEACHERS and you will get a zillion hits. You can narrow it down by subject and grade level also.