After viewing the video, "A Vision of K-12 Students Today" I was able to reflect on how I operate and teach my students in the classroom. Throughout this video, I kept thinking that I knew the information provided but yet I don't take that into consideration while planning my lessons. If anyone asked me about today's learners, I would be able to hold a conversation with them concerning the difference of today's generation compared to past generations, but I need to include it while teaching.
While planning my lessons I need to keep in mind how students interact with technology on a daily bases in their everyday lives. I need to be more aware of allowing them to to use technology to practice their skills. I currently have a smart board and I am always using it to teach and reteach concepts but I need to not only use technology myself but make it so that students can discover information themselves through technology. I think about how much I Google concepts that I do not understand. I need to focus on teaching the students research skills so that they can discover information on their own.

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