How can we discourage advertising on this site. I found several very long/huge ads for personal products today and hope this is just a one time thing. I find this blog to be incredibly valuable and would hate to be turned off by irrelevant postings.

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Email Steve...the creator. He will then delete them. Since there is no security code to type in people can massively add stuff the forum...that is what I did when I found a lot. He tries to get to them rather quickly.
Hi Pat and Michael, Steve is Steve Hargadon of course. You could also add a comment to his page, or there is a 'report an abuse' link at the bottom of each page. (Scroll right down.) It helps if you can provide the links to where these ads are appearing. Unfortunately, some people make the most of advertising whenever, wherever they can.
Hello All,
I contacted Steve Hargadon earlier in the week when I was getting 30-60 bogus postings each day. He was most appreciative that I contacted him and stated that he was working on a solution right away!! I went to his page and post a message AND I used the "Report Abuse" option. I wasn't sure which option would get to him sooner.

I agree!! I look forward to reading the postings on Classroom 2.0 and get very frustrated when I have to sift through garbage!!

Have a great day!
Sally Irons
Niles, Michigan



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