Has anyone used Google Sketch-up with 4th grade?  Alternatively, is there something more accessible for younger children?

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What's your goal?  2d? is 3d crucial?  I haven't gone that young, but I don't see why you couldn't give it a go.

2-D would be fine.  Thanks!

I have used Sketch-up with 4th graders last year and it worked out great.  After teaching them the basics, we created a chair using the subtractive method and a house/landscape using the additive method.  It was fun and instructive to start out creating a pyramid shape and exploring it through different views to get a handle on how something that looks like a pyramid from 1 angle can really be a flat triangle from another.  This helped them to get a real handle on manipulating shapes in a 3d space.

Here is the chair lesson I started off with-


This is very useful information. Thank you!

Maybe this will alleviate some of your concerns with doing Google Sketch-Up with elementary students. I came across this video a while ago; it shows a few things you can do with kids. 



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