As a PGCE student teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector my students tend to range from 16 - 18 years of age typically.  Providing teaching strategies to incorporate a balanced overlap of andragogy and pedagogy learning models, whilst remaining inclusive for the whole class can be a challenge.  Any thoughts on striking a balance between the two would be very helpful!

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I'm involving the students who lean more to andragogy learning, in teaching their peers. If a student asks a question I throw it open it the others to answer and don't answer it myself straight away when we're in a discussion. If something needs to be shown, like how to use some software on the computer I get them to show it. It helps after knowing your students for awhile, I know roughly who can help and the students who need a bit more of a challenge and don't just want the material delivered to them, helping other students seems to help keep them more engaged. I also would be interested to see what other people are doing, as I need to develop this more.
Hi Laura,

Have you tried getting the more adragogic learners to help the more pedagogic learners? Pair work can work really well I quite often do that it it works a dream for me.
Failing that like Andrea suggests throw it out to the group, takes some pressure off of you too

Hope that helps

T x
Hi Andrea,

Thanks for some great tips on involving some excellent differentiation techniques with regards to involving students that require a further challenge into helping the other learners regarding andragogy and pedagogy learning models. This is definitely something to consider and utilise within my own teaching practice.

Hi Tracy

Pairing up the students together that then combine both learning models is a excellent idea and definitely something that I will try and utilise within my lessons. However, do you find this is quite obvious as to which students lean towards andragogy and pedagogy learning models? Out of interest does this vary greatly upon what subjects or modules within subjects being taught, as to which learning models students display?

Thanks for your input, Laura
Not at all, as you can easily, point out to your learners that you are just going to mix up the groups today, and every other lesson do the same, that way the learners should feel that it is more of a random choice, when really it is much more strategic.
I hope that helps x
T x
A secondary thought to add ....... In anyone's experience do you find students preferred learning styles are directly impacted by whether they learn via more andragogical or pedagogical models?
Hi laura,
No not with me and my learners, there is still very much a mix of preferred learning styles, others may have noticed something different though. Great thought!!
T x

Thanks T for your help and very useful comments :)





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