Any educators in the South Florida area interested in a meetup?

I recently wrote a blog post about NCS-Tech blogger Kevin Jarrett and his post about edcamp
Philly. All I could think after reading his post was, I'm jealous! Anyone interested in working together to prepare an edcamp South Florida?

Tags: Florida, Jarrett, Kevin, South, edcamp, meetup, teachers

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Hi Amanda,

Since we're already connected I'll continue to send thoughts via email but I wanted to share a link to my original blog post for anyone interested:

Top Ten Reasons You Should Attend a “Barcamp” (especially edcamp PH...

I'm thrilled to be part of a diverse team of K-12 educators planning this event for May 22nd at Drexel University in Philadelphia:

* Ann Leaness
* Christine Miles
* Dan Callahan
* Kevin Jarrett
* Kim Sivick
* Kristen Swanson
* Mary Beth Hertz
* Mike Ritzius
* Nicolae Borota
* Robert Rowe

For more info, visit - we expect to sell out (300 people) well before the big day!

We have learned SO MUCH in this process - looking forward to sharing with you and anyone else wishing to run with an edcamp of their own!


"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
- Confucius

Kevin Jarrett
Technology Facilitator, K-4
Northfield Community School
Northfield, NJ USA
Thanks Kevin! I'm excited to get started :D




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