Hey Folks,

I am a NC technology educator who may have the chance to attend the FETC conference in Florida this Jan. 23-26th.  I've heard that it was one of the better ed tech conferences in the country.  Can anyone attest to this?  Its kind of hard to justify traveling to FL for this conference when NC has one in March (NCTIES), but I've heard so many great things about FETC.

Does anyone have any feedback or advice?  I'd be particularly interested in hearing from any educators who may have attended both. 



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Hi, Kevin,

I hope you can come to FETC. It's a huge conference and will have attendees from all 50 states and many from outside the US too. The exhibit floor is almost as big as the one at ISTE, and that gives you a chance to see the newest, latest and greatest. You can also talk to vendors whose materials you already have and find out about upgrades, future plans, etc. Of course the weather is a huge draw for this conference. January in Orlando!

If you DO attend, be sure to come to the First Timer session (2 pm Tuesday, just before the opening session) to find out about the conference and how to navigate it. It's big enough that just getting between rooms can be a challenge!




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