Our school will be experimenting with several Android tablets as well as the iPad this summer in hopes of starting a pilot program at some point next school year.  Does anyone have any Apps, Ideas, or Advice they would like to share about using Android Tablets and/or iPads in the classroom?

Tags: 3.0, android, apps, classroom, honeycomb, motorola, samsung, tablet

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Here's a link to an article about a neighboring school division that will issue tablets to all students in grades 8-12 next year.  This might be a good opportunity to monitor their progress and learn from their implementation process.


Yep...Windows 7 tablets with case and keyboard. They chose Windows 7 so it could go on the network and be filtered/monitored. Why not just do a Netbook?

I wonder what all an Earth Science/Astronomy teacher could do with Google Sky Map?


I have the Droid app on my phone and its pretty cool.  One of the interesting things is that you can use it during the day when you can't see the stars.  You can see the position of planets along the ecliptic as well.  I don't teach either subject, but imagine each student taking a tablet home with the app on a clear night.  Homework might include:


Take a picture of the moon.  What phase is it in?

What is the altitude of Mars?  In what constellation will it be in tomorrow night?


The key is making the app more than just a novelty but an educational resource.

Thanks, Scott

I came across Study Droid (http://www.studydroid.com/) and Flash Cards Max (http://www.flashcardsmax.com/)

Looks like they could be useful for the classroom.  Anyone know of any other good "make-your-own-flashcard" apps or have suggestions for how to use them?

I'm new to this whole thing (I don't even have a phone that can connect to the internet!) so the idea of apps, etc. is all very overwhelming to me.  As an English teacher who is interested in trying out tablets (or whatever it is we decide to go with) and considering the fact that they will possibly be replacing textbooks, novels in class, etc., one of my biggest concerns is something that reads well.  Mike mentioned netbooks, but I can't imagine reading a novel on a netbook the same way I could a tablet, but maybe I'm wrong?  Which tablets are best for reading? And are there apps out there to aid struggling readers?

Once we get whatever devices we're be testing,  you'll need to be sure and download the Kindle app:



You'll also want to check out Google Books:



I'd love to know, too, if there are apps that aid struggling readers.


If you want to go with a tablet strictly for the replacement of texts I would consider the kindle or the nook color.  In their stock format you are limited in what you can do.   Both are inexpensive and meet that specific need.  If you work at it, you can also modify the nook color to function as a capable android tablet.

I teach English and have been using iPods in my classroom for over two years now. What I've found is that, as an e-reader, some kids really enjoy the iPods. They aren't intimidated by the size of the book, and they can put their heads on the desks a still read. However, the biggest complaint is the size. Many students wish the device was larger and easier to hold. It would seem that iPads would be a better way to go, but I haven't decided whether spending $400 for an iPad is better than spending $400 for a great netbook (especially when the netbook can print and easily connect to a projector without special cables).


While I personally love my Kindle, I don't think I would recommend them for a classroom because they are so one-dimensional. With an iPod/iPad/tablet, you can incorporate more than just reading. I frequently use mine for research and polling, as well as brainstorming and notetaking. These are things that a Kindle or Nook can't do.


If I were in a position to buy a class set of devices, I'm really not sure if I would go with iPods, iPads, misc. tablets, or netbooks. I do know that I would purchase something that can be used for many purposes other than reading. While you may not need the features now, you may find that after 6 months, you are more comfortable with the function of the device and want to try other activities.

Thanks, Katie.  We're looking forward to your visit.  We'll have several different devices available for us to use/try with the apps you recommend.  Thanks for agreeing to come help us start thinking outside the box.  We know about readers - or at least can envision that.  What we're really interested is how can a tablet device with apps alter/enhance the way we actually teach in class & the way kids learn.



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