Hi everyone! I am carrying out a research on the barriers that prevent schools to integrate technology in classrooms. I’ve come up with a few but would like to know how other teachers are coping up with this problem?

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Here are a few off the top of my head...

  • lack of time to infuse technology into a lesson
  • lack of knowledge how to create a lesson plan with technology
  • pedagogical mismatch (technology is best done in student-centered projects; some teachers can't relinquish classroom control)
  • classroom management (teacher might not know how to manage student working on individual or group projects)
  • afraid of technology (i.e., don't want to look inept if something goes wrong)
  • afraid of assistance (i.e., don't want help from technology or curricular resources because of lack of confidence in their teaching skills
  • afraid of change

There have been a few threads on a similar theme recently - look at recent pages.

It seems to me there are lot of threads with very few replies.Should people check before starting a new thread? Just in case there is something similar already being discussed?

Re the barriers rabia, it would be interesting to know what you have already come up with.

John has given some excellent points.

I think insufficient time for training is a huge problem - one initial staff training session is insufficient - there needs to be follow up plans.

Here are a few more ...

* Technology teacher positions one of the first to get cut (happened to me twice)

* Lack of collaboration time with classroom teachers

* Attitudes of some teachers towards technology

* Difficult for some teachers to find the online resources they want (Click here to browse my 1400+ links sorted by subject & topic)



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