Last week we hunted down five travel and professional development opportunities for educators and this week we’ve got three more. Even if money is tight, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that those listed below are completely (or almost completely) funded by non-profit grants. While you may have missed some of the 2013 deadlines, we’re hoping that you have a little more time this summer to prepare your applications for 2014!
Become a cosmopolitan educator: 3 more ways to see the world for free
The Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program offers one-to-one exchanges for primary and secondary teachers. Seven countries (including the United States) participate in the program with the goal of helping educators develop an increased understanding of the language, culture and academic field of the country. Although you’ve missed the application deadline for 2013, you have until October 15 to apply for the 2014-15 deadlines.
The Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Program offers educators the opportunity to spend three to six months taking classes at an international university, observing classes, offering seminars in local schools, or even undertaking a project of your own design. This program is open to all:
To learn more about eligibility, click here. To sign up for the 2014-15 application notification, click here.
The Transatlantic Outreach Program Study Tour sends educators to Germany every summer on all-expense-paid two-week study tours, exposing them the government and education systems, large and small businesses, and various examples of culture.
Your part of the bargain is that once you complete your tour, you are expected to write a unit of learning as well as conduct two in-service training workshops. Eligible applicants include the following from the United States and Canada:
Be sure to check back at the site often as the 2014 study tour application form will be updated in the fall.
If you are representing a commercial entity, please see the specific guidelines on your participation.
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