I teach 3rd grade and have a class blog through edublogs. I have been trying for weeks to figure out the best way to embed videos into the blog. Until edublogs introduces their own video player, I have to embed videos from an outside site. Working with young students, I want to make sure that the parents are comfortable with the embedded site, since all players seem to have a back-link that allows you to easily go to that site.

I have narrowed my options down to edublogs.tv, SchoolTube, or hosting them on my own Ning and embedding from there. Can anyone offer opinions or suggestions on what works best for them? I'm looking for speed, appropriate content on the home site, and the ability to support a range of formats. Thanks!

Tags: blogging, elementary, video

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If you use Microsoft's Silverlight streaming there is no link-back to any site. The only potential negative is that it does not use standard Flash so your users will need to DL a plugin.
What about...

Vimeo (allows you to set passwords) or

Edublogs TV would likely be my choice. Edublogs TV is dedicated to education.

Try them and see. Both are pretty safe.
I use Vimeo (free, but the cost of Vimep Plus is worth it for me since I can tinker with the linkbacks so that there are none)




Hi Kevin, I know this is a really old thread, but I am hoping you might see this still... When you say there is no lok backs when you use Vimeo plus, does that mean to play the embedded gods, they do not need to access the vimeo site at all??
Or does your school allow Vimeo? I am having terrible trouble with my school! Am trying to e,bed my vids in google sites....
Would appreciate any advice
Thanks, Tina
I use schooltube.com - works very well.

I put my videos on Glogster. They have a regular public site but I use the more private site at: http://www.edu.glogster.com. You can upload videos, audio, links onto a page you create and then embed the Glogster page into your own page. You can see my page(s) at:
Hi Doug,
I just went to your Glogster page. It is really cool! How did your kids do the videos with their drawings? What grade do you teach? Thanx for sharing!
Hi Doug,
I love your videos(and your site). WHat did you use to make the book talks and the meet the crew? They are awesome!
Mary Grace Kelly
I am no expert, but I did this today by trial and error. Here are the steps.

If you download the flash video into real player. Then upload it and link it to text on the page, it might play without any back links.

I found the downloaded file stored in MyVideos and then in RealPlayerDownloads. Your down loads may go to the same place.

I have just discovered this today while adding video to my Moodle page. Of course, remember to give credit to the creator of the video, but don't add a hyperlink back to Youtube or Schooltube.

I've attached a file to this post. But since it can't embed the link here, I'm not sure how it will play.

Hatching Duck.flv

Hatching Duck.flv

Source: kosibar
August 01, 2007 from Youtube
Vimeo worked fine with me :)
Thanks everyone!

I have decided on SchoolTube for most things and Edublogs.tv for uploading .flv files that I have gotten from YouTube using firefox download helper (for some reason you can't upload .flv to SchoolTube).

Personally, I prefer the pay version of Vimeo, but Vimeo is blocked at my district and even though they could open a connection for my subscription, I'm worried that my blogging buddy classes around the world might also have it blocked. I want the content on the class blog to be available to our audience.
Institutional blocking is a problem. Rather than blocking we need to teach responsible internet use. This thread has provided me with many great options for my own digital portfolio project with my fourth and fifth graders. I started with YouTube but switched to my school division's video web server. That was the best solution for me. Some students still upload to YouTube from home and school independently. We have spent hours in the lab so far and I think they have been pretty responsible about their browsing.



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