Hello everyone,
A colleague of mine came to me today with a question as to whether or not a blog, a wiki, or a web page would be best for her high school juniors to work with.  She is the ELA teacher in an American Studies class and is trying to figure out which one would be best for students who have study different 20th century eras and create some way to show what they have learned.  Any thoughts?  Thanks.  Dan

Tags: american, arts, blogging, ela, english, history, language, pages, web, wiki

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Why choose?

The salient points here are that all three are web pages.

blogs tend to be chronologically oriented and provide good tools for public attribution of contribution.

wikis tend to be more content oriented and have less capability for public acknowledgment of contribution altho have excellent tools for providing way more detail about who changed what and when than anybody really cares about.

both have database backends, template and styled front ends, and all live on the web.

Use 'em all. That's my thought.
Thank you for those thoughts and suggestions. I appreciate them all.
There are sites that are hybrids of all 3.  Moodle and even a Google site.  Why not have your cake and eat it too?
You can also add link to your wiki or your blog to have easy acces to all of them.
I agree with nlowell, we shouldn't limit our students to one of this great tool, they all serve different purpos.
I think only one is enough ,because you donot have so much time to manage them all.Maybe the blog is best,is't it?
One of the things I like about using Wikispaces is that not only is it an easly used web page and students can collaborate with the discussion tabs. The best thing for a teacher is the history tab so that you can see who did what and when.
I totally agree with you, wiki is a great source for them to learn and work as a group.
I have to agree with nlowell. I'm getting ready to have my students do an internet project having my 6th and 7th grade students teach others about aspects of internet safety using web 2.0 tools. I had the exact same question, then it occurred to me, authentic learning means choices. My students are now choosing from creating a wiki, a website, or a podcast. Have fun!
If all three options are presented to the students and they are allowed to choose which they would like to use, it could help excite them about their project. All of them are good to know how to use, and they can even be incorporated into each other, or even linked together. They are not difficult to use either.
Giving the student the option of choosing which they are more comfortable with should be the best plan. If it is a group project then a wiki would probably be the first choice, but if it is an individual project then a blog would be ideal.
I have a website which serves as a generic portal to my classroom/lab. It has outlines of the year by grade, resources, and links to my other offerings...
- my blog is used to post interesting finds or questions for my students to comment on/respond to
- my wiki is used for quick edits of web resources for directed exercises/assignments
- my Twitter feed is used as a quick/daily resource repository as well as important class/school/City reminders
- my Delicious/Diigo bookmarks are standing web resources

My website links to all, and each distinct tool links to all the others as well as back to my main site.

Each has it's distinctive purpose and each serves that purpose well (at least as far as I'm concerned).
I would think that Blogs would be the most beneficial tool because of the ability to recieve feed back. Wikis allow other users to change them to much and web pages can be very complicated to create. Blogs will allow a constant update of information, allowing a continuing work ethic, while giving the teacher and other students to add anything they think is missing,



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