Dear Scholars,
Please find attached Book chapter Invitation. Kindly look into it and contirbute a book chapter of your teaching experience. Any kind of query is welcome. Your acknowledgement will be highly appreciated.

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Hello Tamishra
I'm so sorry to have forgotten this social network for so long time. Now I'm late. Anyway, I have implemented web 2.0 resources (with some suffering to engage students) in everyday teaching-learning, not as being involved in some public research. I just did/do it. I would like to exchange direct experience with colleagues that just apply-currently use web 2 resources in their daily teaching. Not tester, not talking about. From my perspective the problem is not about the resources, but is related to classroom dynamics and how education is perceived form the students, colleagues and governance factors.
So the discussion about effectiveness of web 2 use should take in account the educational model we want pursue. Tools are only a secondary ratio in my opinon.



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