Call for Presentations- Reimagine Learning: Leading in a Time of Constant Change - CoSN Conference 2012

Reimagine Learning: Leading in a Time of Constant Change 
CoSN Annual Conference 2012
March 5-7, 2012
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC
Deadline for Presentation Submission:  July 8, 2011, 6pm (ET)

Mobile devices and Web 2.0 participatory applications have become a pervasive feature of modern life in the past few years. They are woven into how we conduct business, produce and disseminate knowledge, participate in civic life, and engage socially. Yet our educational system is still based on an outdated industrial age model.
Let's reimagine what education can be in a world where learning is no longer confined to four walls and seven bells. How can we create an educational system that is more participatory, more engaging and – most important – better at enabling each learner to move at their own pace? How do we move entire institutions to leverage mobile devices and transition to digital resources? And, how do we do this in a time of deep economic crisis where the new normal requires us to “do more with less”?

Join in this thought-provoking conversation at the premier education technology leadership conference and celebrate CoSN’s 20th anniversary of preparing educational leaders to leverage technology and reimagine learning for today and tomorrow.
 The 2012 CoSN Annual Conference brings together education and technology leaders to share their practical experiences, hear how others have tackled the same issues you have, and to network with professionals from all over the country and around the world.

Before starting, review the Submission Guidelines or you can simply Start a Proposal

Deadline for Presentation Submission:  July 8, 2011, 6pm (ET)

Please check the CoSN website for up-to-the-minute registration and travel information. Thank you for your interest in presenting at the CoSN 2012 Annual Conference.

We are here to help. If you have any problems or questions regarding the CFP process, please or call Ariadna Mahon-Santos at 202.861.2676 x 122.

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