I would like to make a permanent off-line record of a blog that my students and put together. Does anyone know if it is possible to save a blog onto CD?

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I would be careful of looking at CD storage as "permanent".
Hi, Jeff.

There are programs that let you capture the whole of a website. I've used them before, and it can be very handy. For instance, if I was going to capture my own blog, I would tell it to download everything at www.stevehargadon.com, to follow any links that stay within that domain, but not go to any other sites. What I get at the end is a folder with html files that has a start page that allows me to browse the site as though it was on the web, but it's not. And you would just write that folder to your CD.

I just did a simple Google search on "download website" and http://www.surfoffline.com/ was the first hit. There's a cost to it, but you get the idea. The second hit is the one I have used before: http://www.httrack.com/. I remember it worked quite well for me.

Good luck!
Thanks for the tip. I have to submit the material tomorrow morning, so I'll give it a go tonight!



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