I am curently in a tehnology class, and we have been assigned a group project where we must teach a lesson on how to incorporate technology in the classroom. My group would like to teach a lesson on bringing cellphones into the classroom. If anyone has any ideas, I would be very interested in hearing them.

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Are you looking specifically for teacher use or student use? Are you looking for aps that have educational use? I use aps, but many of my students still have older cell phones.

Here's a quick one that I have used for teachers and students: You can do a survey and use www.pollanywhere.com (it's free up for a certain amount of people).

Oh! Here's another one. My students went on a vocabulary scavenger hunt and had to take pictures of themselves with certain objects. Most used the camer on their cell phone.

Looking forward to seeing other responses... :)
Hello, Dulcinea,

Obvious choices would be Web searches, scavenger hunts using the Internet, etc, but not everyone will have that capability. Most people nowadays have texting capabilities (SMS) on their phones, so these may work better. These lessons would require each student to have the phone numbers of the other people in their group, as well as the teacher. A workaround may be the Web site www.textmarks.com, which allows groups to transmit text alerts via the Web as well as phones, so you would not need to know everyone's numbers. This used to be a free service, but now, alas, we all must pay :(

In Math/Science, they could use their phone's calculators or stop watches to arrive at an answer and have a contest to see who sends the right answer to the teacher the fastest.

The cell phones could be used to answer review questions remotely (like multiple choice answers, for example: they could text A, B, C, or D). Texting could also be used the way chat is used on the PC to "level the playing field" among shy and more boisterous students in the high school realm. They could text about a reading, or to collaborate on a project, and kids that would be less apt to raise their hands may be more likely to shoot a text to their group.

Hope this helps,
Hi Dulcinea,

I allow my students to use "smart phones" much the same way I would allow them to use laptops. Those who have iPhones can get books to read via the phone. They don't have to lug around a heavy anthology just to read the day's lesson. Most of them can access my Edline pages through the cell phone which links them also to alternative sources and readings for the day. I'm fortunate to be an AP English teacher in a private school. Most of the students have access to smart phones, and nearly all understand the consequences if they are caught using the phone for things not pertaining to class. However, this does not work in every setting. The technology disparity can be very revealing, especially in more socio-economic diverse settings, and can cause feelings of inadequacy and even jealousy in teenagers. I think it also takes a pretty attentive teacher who is constantly monitoring the class to make sure everyone is on task. I don't allow every student to use the technology, but we've done plenty of group "scavenger hunts" for sonnets they like, or poems they want to read for class. It makes them feel like the phone is more of a tool than just a thing for play! Hope this also helps your quest!
I've started posting a few ideas for using cellphones with free web applications on my website. http://fvogt2010.pbworks.com/w/page/30652388/Cell-Phones

We are currently in the process of looking at revising our school policy regarding cellphones and other mobile devices. Anyone have school policies that directly address cellphone/mobile device usage for educational purposes? That is an important piece when considering use of these in education.
Have you seen the book Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education by Liz Kolb? Can be purchased at http://www.iste.org ? It has most everything!

Chapter 1: Cell Phones as Learning Tools
Chapter 2: Concerns with Cell Phones in the Classroom
Chapter 3: Cell Phone Podcasting, Voice Mail, Conferencing, and Mobile Notes
Chapter 4: Cell Phones as Cameras and Camcorders
Chapter 5: Developing Classroom Projects for Cell Phones
Chapter 6: Cell Phones as Research and Organizational Tools
Chapter 7: Cell Phones as Management Tools
Chapter 8: Cell Phones in Preschool and Lower Elementary Learning
Chapter 9: The Future of Cell Phones in Schools
Chapter 10: More Web 2.0 Resources for Cell Phones
This of course assumes the issue of weather or not mobile devices are permitted into the school and in what condition? Would you need to include information that owners of the cell phones are responsible for incurring the cost of the text or data upload? If not everyone has the ability to own and therefore participate with a mobile device is appropriation made for them to participate in a different way or by different means?
Hi Dulcinea Esparza! I know a perfect tool which seems right fit your situation. It's an English dictionary, the wonderful combination of cellphone and dictionary. Check it out. Good luck!
Dulcinea, Hi everyone, my partners and I have developed a new community for teachers and students called StudyBuddyCampus. It is free and it represents our vision of the future for the use of technology in the classroom. Our goal is to revolutionize the delivery of education by combining an interactive game like experience with the latest educational content. We have several teachers and students testing our Beta site at http://www.studybuddycampus.com, and we are constantly releasing new features. One of the features we are working on, is a live quiz application, that allows students to submit their answers via texting and the teacher receives the results live. Given the topic of your discussion, I thought you might be interesting in taking a look, and if you have the time, we would love to receive feedback from people with your kind of experience.

Best Regards.



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