We're a high school in Millis, MA. We have a technology class, "Web 2.0" and we are interested in using web cams as part of the class curriculum. We are looking for any other technology classes (preferably at high school level) that have Skype and would be interested in trying to set up a project with our school.
I would be interested in developing a link with you and my school here in Australia. Let me know what you think so we can set up communication off Classroom 2.0
Well it seems as though the time difference of our locations could be an issue for Skype. We are located near Boston, Massachusetts. We would still like to communicate and use some of the web 2.0 tools to collaborate with you and your class. What sort of link did you have in mind?
I am sure that we could work around the time difference somehow....(hopefully). I have a number of ideas that I would like to do. I am currently running a Senior Information Technology program that soon they will be studying communication. I would like to use this link between our two schools as a tool for them to demonstrate Web 2.0 and communication through Skype or any other program that we could come up with.
Possibly generate something collaboratively using a web 2.0 app such as wallwisher and skype where students could ask questions on a subject in Skype to others and the answers could be posted on wallwisher.
The possiblilties are endless. We could decide on a theme and then use the Web 2.0 tools to overcome the barriers of time and distance.
Let me know what you think.
Andrew Blackwell
Hill Campus
Information Technology Teacher
Newcastle Grammar School
New South Wales Australia
ooooohhh dear! I just looked at a time zone meeting program! Assuming that we both are in school from 9am till 3pm you are off when we are on and vice versa.
This means that skype may be out of the question until we could look at day light saving.
Perhaps we could look at alternatives to creating a collaborative project that students can work on and add to in their won time zones.
We actually start school at 8 and finish at 2:20. I don't think that makes a difference, but when we are figuring this out in the future, this might be useful information.
I feel as though we can still work on a collaborative project by posting information (videos and documents, as well as texts) and findings on a webpage like wallwisher, like you had suggested. That would be fun for the students.
If we could set a long term goal of creating an end product (a video, a web page, a collage, a keynote persentation, etc) and use communication tools to collaborate on the project, that would be perfect. Would you be interested in that or would you rather stick to a more day to day schedule.
P.S. I think either way a "wiki" would be useful for this collaboration.
And also I have been playing around with a program called tweetdeck. Its a program that allows the user to integrate all the information from myspace, twitter, and facebook into one ,easy to use, page. One idea would be to share youtube videos by posting on a facebook wall and share that way. It would be very useful to have for instant communication purposes.
It sounds like you are very keen as I am to work on something together. All we now need to do is work on deciding on a project that students could do. I am very flexble because I can see the merit and reward in this for our student's. Using facebook sounds like a great idea. It gives me an excuse to have it unblocked for students. What ages are your students you are looking at running this with? Do you have an existing website that I can look at to get an idea of you locallity?
Ok we've done Ning before and it's worked great. For it to work though I will need e-mails from all of the students so that I can invite them into a Ning group. It's invite only and the invites are sent VIA e-mail. The students ages range from 15-18. Our WIKI and our school site
I think a Ning site would be good. We could allow the students to edit and create collaboratively. This would help my students understand the concepts of Web2.0 and Social Networking. Email Me so I can send you the students email to access the Ning site.
Thank you for your email link. We are currently on a few weeks break in which I will still keep in touch. My students and I are still very keen to develop a program with you.