I'm looking for ideas and examples of using web 2.0 applications for students to collaborate with other students in other schools or grades within a district or between districts.
Hi Sandra
I think you can allow students to contribute to the content of the course. For example, by using blog or wiki, students can post their thoughts and projects about the subject matter. Then, when they form a collection of students’ works, other students can use this information as resources of knowledge. This will enable students to use and reuse their peers’ work as part of their learning experience. Beldarrain (2006) states “The instructor must view the students as contributors of knowledge, and thus allow them to participate in the creation of content”. (p 149)
Beldarrain, Y. (2006, August 1). Distance Education Trends: Integrating New Technologies to Foster Student Interaction and Collaboration. Distance Education, 27(2), 139-153.