Blogs are a good way for students to share their thoughts and get some writing practice. Would anyone be interested in discussing collaborative blogging in the classroom where a small group or team of students may share a blog?


I see a lot of opportunities for groups of students to have joint ownership of a blog where they can have:

  • discussions
  • share project research information
  • share thoughts, current events
  • polish their writing skills
  • and communicate with each other (pen pals perhaps?)

Tags: blog, collaboration, english, group, microblog

Views: 120

Replies to This Discussion

Blogs are a good idea, but the only problem that i have with this is the safety of the students and the information that they share. What age are you looking at to implement this idea in the classrooms? And is there a way to get is password protected to monitor who and who cannot join?
Yeah, actually we are testing collaborative blog use in the classroom on Right now it's mostly Middle school and above.
Now with this group is it still open to the public or can you accept and deny access to certain people that are wanting to join the group. In this blog what are the objectives for the students to learn? What are the requirements and is there a grading rubric for this assignment?

Briana -


Some good questions for David...I'm hoping he responds. I haven't had my students blog, but would like to set up some kind of an online discussion forum.   I would like to know more about  Otherwise, are there any other websites anyone could suggest that might be of use?

When I am beginning a new unit, I will have the kids blog on what they think the definition us for out topic of study.  I use blogging and sort of the two beginning stages of the KWL.  I want to know what they know about a topic and then what they want to know about the topic and at the end of the unit they blog and tell me what the learned.  Blogging allows me to pull all of the kids together in the beginning of the unit to see who knows what.  It has been a very powerful tool in gaining a quick sense of who knows what.



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