Hi all,
i would like to have a go at collaborating with another class around the world sharing history and geography activities through a wiki or shared blog. I am new to this and would like to network and find out some hints on beginning and facilitating this kind of project. My students will be studying history/geography and citizenship of Australia and I would like for them to be able to share their information and research as well as learning about another country around the world from another class. How can I get this happening and is anyone interested in collaborating with me???

Please leave a comment on my page or conribute to this discussion if you can help.

Tags: Geography, History

Views: 561

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Kim and Chris - sounds great! I think I'm going to use wikispaces for my class. I'll start off the same way as you, Chris. Posting important documents and resources, but then also a place to showcase student work and where they can edit the page.

But we can all use the pbwiki to share information! Just let me know the link and I'll get it set up on my end. My school is Goochland Middle School if you want to add a specific name.
I use my blog regularly: http://blogs.glnd.k12.va.us/teachers/jwinfield/

I use my blog to not only post homework, assignments, and updates...but also post student work, links to sites, and ideas for parents.
Grettings from Manosque, provence, France. I teach history, geography and civics for 6th to 8th Grades. We will be glad to share with you: usually, we use a ning social network i have created dedicated to distance collaborationsl: School Beyond the Walls , Skype, and Elluminate.

For example, last year, a video introducing our Vendée Globe project with many schools around the world:

Trouvez plus de vidéos comme celle-ci sur L'Ecole Hors les Murs - School Beyond The Walls
I have set up a classroom academic networking site for people from different countries to describe how their nation and its textbooks handle wars from the perspective of their country and how that differs from the way the other countries experience the writing of history. For example, how does Germany teach WWII today versus how does the United States teach WWII.

Check out the site at www.mywaryourwar.ning.com

I will be using a free service run by People to People International (http://www.ptpi.org/programs/SchoolClass.aspx). You need 3 months to complete the selection matching process, but the organization is awesome. I went to China with them back in 2007 as a delegate to their World Languages Conference. I will never forget standing on the Great Wall:)






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