I teach 3rd grade in Connecticut. I have done a few collaborative projects in the past and am hoping to build on these experiences.
This year I am hoping to do a collaborative project about rainforests with schools in Belize and Costa Rica during our habitats and adaptation unit. As a culminating project my students will turn our room into a rainforest and give guided tours to raise money for habitat protection. This would be around November.
Some other 3rd grade teachers I correspond with around the country have also discussed the possibility of sharing information about local Native American history (a fairly common unit) to compare how the natural resources of an area influence lifestyle (food, clothing, and housing, etc.). This could be done through a shared blog or a wiki. We cover this unit in December, but it is flexible.
Finally, in April/May I do a collaborative learning project about kites around the world. We learn about kite traditions and then use measurement and division/fractions to design, build, and fly kites. Last year 6 other classes from around the world joined us and we shared our learning on
this website. This year I will switch the website to an edublogs platform as that seems to be more compatible with other countries' IT.
Anyway, if anyone is interested in any of these projects, please let me know. And I am always up for other ideas! Collaboration and project learning is fun and engaging for us teachers as well as for the students.