I am collecting stories about successful application of Web 2.0 modalities in the classroom and I would like to hear from you.

I will be giving a presentation at the National Science Teachers Association Meeting. I would like to have a variety of examples of successful blogs, wikis etc. to share with my science teacher colleagues. I would also like to compile a list of resources to share. Please contact me to share your favorite stories and resources.

Marie Scearce
Twitter: drMScearce

Tags: 21, applications, blogs, classroom, educon, resources, stories, success, teacher, web, More…wiki

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You can see all we've done using technology over the last few years here and see our classroom blog here. (Start with Recent Posts) Let me know if you need any more info.
I'm fascinated by your site. How do you organize it so that each student has their own blog in an organized group. How do you do this? Do you have individual laptops for each student?
The blog was created with Drupal, an open source program. I have to admit I don't administer or serve it. I was lucky to have the dad of a former student offer to do it. I have to admit it is one of the most organized student blog formats I've seen. Since it is all in one place it it very easy to manage and secure. We have access to computers whenever we need them but most blogging is done at home.
I have developed a Ning web site describing some of my experiences with using Web 2.0 tools in a history/social studies high school classroom. Here is he link: http://classroomcollaboration.ning.com/

My two primary activities are M4 Projects (multi media mind mapping) and CC2 Projects (Classroom Collaboration 2.0) that use several tools: Zoho Notebooks, Zotero, Mindmeister, Zoho Show,n Picasa Web Albums, Voicethread, Kompozer, and Moodle.

Come take a look and let me know what you think.

I will be presenting some of this material at eTech Ohio Coference on February 3, 2009. Look me up if you will be there.



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