Cyber Bullying and cyberhate have become growing problems in many
schools with many students turning to the Internet to send hateful an
harassing messages. However, since this problem is fairly new, many
schools do not know how to handle this problem. Where do school
administrators stand in a cyber bullying case?

Kiwi Commons expert, Barbara Zimmerman has put together a Q&A about
CyberHate that addresses many educators' questions about what is
classified as cyberhate and why this is a growing problem in both
elementary and high schools.

Check out the Q&A here.

How does your school deal with cyberbullying and cyberhate?

Tags: bullying, cyber, cyberbullying, cyberhate, hate, internet, safety

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thank you for putting your time to give information on this. I think it is very important that this kind of thing gets noticed and stopped. I have seen a lot of children and teens that commit suicide due to this cyber hate and bullying. I am a college student and so far i have not heard about anything that has happened. Of course its different once you grow older but having a myspace or facebook can cause similar problems however, it is easier to ignore stuff like this.
Bullying is something that is never going to end sadly, especially now with many sites like facebook that tend kids to cyber bully other kids. I think that teacher should help and support the student being bully as much as they can.
Unfortunately, cyberbullying has become a part of the reality of internet communication. My school district does not issue students email accounts and it also filters access to social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. Therefore, any cyberbullying, theoretically, takes place outside of school. In Virginia, however, it is the responsibility of every teacher to teach internet safety at every opportunity. Teachers recieve training on internet safety and then are expected to promote and model internet safety and responsible digital citizenship every time the students use technology. Luckily, as I work at the elementary level, I have not yet experienced cyberbullying and cyberhate but I do hope that any perpetrators are dealt with to the full extent and that they are not let off with just a slap on the wrist. Cyberbullying and cyberhate can drive victims to very drastic measures.

Thanks for the Q&A on this topic - it will be very handy.
No one can deny that this Q&A is useful information for teachers, parents and students. I feel like it does not go far enough with regard to the parent and child's responsibility. The site states to remind children of their etiquette - to be polite and respectfull. It also says that what you do online is public. Teens react spontaneously when circumstances permit. Parents need to remind their chilodren to step back and take a good look at what they are about to post. They might be posting a picture or a comment about themselves or someone else too quickly to realize the consequences of this posting. Teens usually live in the moment and needed to be reminded that the internet is forever and may affect their future college applications and employment opportunities.
I agree, cyber bullying is an unfortunate outcome and there really isn't much we can do about it. What we CAN do about it though, is educate each other on what we can do to help out the bullied and the bulliers. I'm glad this post could be of some help!

Cyber bullying is a bigger problem than most people would like to admit. What can we do as teachers, besides promote responsible web usage to hold our student accountable for their actions online? How do we talk to parents about talking to their children and monitoring their use when some don't believe its a problem??



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