I am looking for feedback regarding the best free tools for digital storytelling for elementary and middle school students. What have you used? What do you like and don't like?

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I am going to be having 4th and 5th grade students work on digital stories. Any ideas on the easiest (student friendly)method to record voice and music together. I have created digital stories w/voice. Although, in Photo Story 3, which is what we are using, I haven't found the best way to have music throughout the story as well as a voice tied to an individual slide. Any ideas? Let me through in...I won't be able use any other software than Photo Story 3 for the slides (on district PC's), but I am willing to download software on my personal laptop to record voice over.
There is a new web 2.0 tool that works great from what people have been telling me. Fooled around with it a little, the interface is easy to use and there is no download required. You can check it out at Mixbook.com.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this discussion. :-)
PhotoStory is a great starter program for creating stories with digital pictures or scanned images or artwork. PhotoStory is extremely kid friendly. You can narrate slides individually. I have used this starting with 1st graders.

Movie Maker can be used for mixing still pictures and videos together, then use Audacity as a narrating tool. Movie Maker is a little more advanced, should be used in grades 4 and up.
If you are looking for some great resources tools and e-learning apps that will make your professional life a great deal easier check out my blog at www.edgalaxy.com with regular updates and lesson plans.
If you are looking for some great resources tools and e-learning apps that will make your professional life a great deal easier check out my blog at www.edgalaxy.com with regular updates and lesson plans.
Try the tools associated with My eCoach. It is what we use as a basic foundation for our online community at the Global Association for Teaching Excellence.
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Excellent tools! Can do so much with them!
I have used Photostory with my high school students with considerable success. As for an applicaiton at the elementary and middle levels, I think it will work great there too. My own children (grades 1-7) have all created interesting products with Photostory. All the students need are pictures they can grab from the Internet or take themselves.

A word of advice, though, is that pictures taken from the net need to be a reasonable size (100+ k) or they are blury when converted to the video. Also, any text added overtop will be blurry also.

An interesting suggestion to work aroun this is to created a slkide in Powerpoint and save it as a jpg which can theyn be imported into Photostory like a regular photo. I have not tried it, but the reasoning is very sound.

The board i teach in has created a wiki with the information from the PD on Photostory in case you are interested: http://ocdsbphotostory.wikispaces.com/

Enjoy and have fun!
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