I came across this article today about education in the stimulus plan:

How the Stimulus Plan Will Impact Education

It does a good job laying out the monetary allocations included in the plan. I'm curious about what educators think of the plan right now. Will it help? Is the money going to the right places?

It seems to me that education is our best hope for getting out of this hole.

Tags: bill, education, obama, plan, stimulus

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Providing more money to our schools is not the problem with education; its getting our student's motivated to succeed. America has been granting more and more money to schools with each passing decade, and all that has happened is a decline in our country's education. I recommend reading Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the... by Clayton Christiansen.

I also wrote a few additional thoughts down a few weeks ago on my blog: A Thought on the Proposed $140 Billion.

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