I am working on developing an educator site that has a main focus of gathering different education sites and web 2.0 tools to help teachers and parents to find useful information. I will really like some feedback on how to improve the site and good links of sites that I can place on my site.


Tags: education, internet, sites, tools, web20

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Nice site, my only suggestion is to put all the free stuff together and separate from advertised and commercial sites, although I realize you may have it combined for a reason.

I have been building a wiki for teachers of secondary business education,
Take a look at pageflakes. Here's my example, .it might be the answer. I also use Buzka, I think for general bookmarking, this would work great for parents because of its visual nature...build the links and folders and put a button on your site.


You might like the following sites. Annenberg Media, ReadWriteThink, Big Universe, eMINTS, and BBC Schools.
I think you should add www.TheMathWebSite.com
I tried to access several of your links and could not easily find the site itself. For instance when you click Gaia Online you get your review of the site but the link to the site isn't there--when you click on the site image it is also linked to your site, not Gaia Online.

Here's something to think about--I've been doing websites for 15 years. For years I tried to suss and sort every good thing I saw on the web--for parents, for teachers, for kids and for myself. I realized that there not enough hours in the day to "organize" the internet and I would NEVER use most of the stuff, no need and no time. I finally synthesized my thoughts and my objective for cataloging links finally boiled down to several little hotlists---1. what are the best sites for the curriculum I'm going to teach? (sample) 2. what sites do I want my kids to be able to access at anytime? (sample #1) and (sample #2)

I also use delicious for my personal use and bloglines to sort my feeds.

My point? Be sure you have a reason for doing all the work you are doing and make sure it hasn't already been done. Keep plugging. N
Please check out the approach at www.hiddenguru.com. If its worth including.
I like eboard.com
I've been using it in my classes
eboard name - afantaske
password - fantaske
Don't forget to put Classroom 2.0 on your site ;-)
Hi Angelina,
I made a website to help the students at my school. Please feel free to use the links to help your students:



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