Which technologies do you find most effective in the classroom? Do you think success rates differ depending on the subject matter? Please share your thoughts with us.

Tags: blended, classroom, edtech, education, in, learning, online, technologies, technology, the

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As a classroom teacher, everyday I use my Promethean Board.  I am able to engage students and make learning more meaningful to meet 21 century learning skills and needs. 

Most buildings I have been in use smart boards of some sort every day

IWitness is a tool that I find incredibly effective for students learning about storytelling, history, writing, research, information literacy, digital literacy, genocide, the Holocaust. I am currently using it (iwitness.usc.edu) in my elective course. I did work on this project previously at USC (full disclosure!), but as an educator now teaching in a middle school classroom I see firsthand just how transformative it is. The real proof is in the projects students turn in, and the way they reflect on what they learned. If you teach history, social studies, humanities, psychology, English... you should check it out and see what you think. It's free, which is pretty amazing.



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