Looking at the list of technology to choose from digital imaging really stood out to me. In school I always loved the ELMO. Every teacher that had one always found a way to use it in their classroom. The link in the book didn’t work so I did a little research on my own. The link I used is right here! http://help.lcsc.us/userfiles/file/Document%20Camera/Using%20an%20Elmo%20in%20the%20Classroom.pdf
On the link I posted you can see there is eight different examples of how to effectively use the ELMO. Personally, I love the idea they posted! As a future fourth grade teacher those examples are right on point. My favorite was the idea of using the camera for reading. If you read a book out loud it helps those that might struggle if they can follow along if everything is projected. Also, as a teaching method, you can take a picture so that you can work with the material on the board by highlighting or drawing important points you want your students to grasp.
In my classroom I plan to do a lot of different things in order to differentiate and having an ELMO handy would be the ideal tool for almost anything. As an artist, I will probably draw things and use lots of charts and if they could watch me or come and illustrate material on their own it would help. If I teach science I would be able to use the ELMO to magnify things so all of my students wouldn’t have to crowd around one table or bring out the dusty microscopes.
My ideal project to do in my classroom would be to have the students illustrate their own story/ poem so really express their creativity and imagination. All students are artist, the problem is remaining one so this would be a fantastic way to encourage students to pursue their talents. All they would need is themselves, the ELMO, and the projector!
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