English Central - how would you use it with students?

I'm really curious about what other educators would say about  English Central.


It is a place where students can watch videos and record/practice English based on the videos. Lots of feedback, video quizzes, vocabulary that is graded.


It is for learning English but I think it has a much larger potential and welcome anyone's thoughts about how else it could be used by teachers in other content areas.


(by the way - sign up as a teacher and you can sign up students, group classes, track and get stats on your student's learning.)


Thanks in advance for any feedback/thoughts.

Tags: community, elearning, english_central, learning, pronunciation, speaking, tts, websites

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I just took a look at English Central and from first glance it looks like a really useful website! I watched a few videos, clicked on words to check out their definitions, and did a voice recording. There are over 900 videos to watch and interact with. I could see using a program like with in a Special Ed. classroom where students are working on speech and literacy skills. I like that you can opt to slow the speed of the video. In my field work experience, I have seen students working on pronunciation by repeating what is heard through a set of headphones. I think this website would be more engaging for students, as they are able to choose videos of their interest and receive instant feedback, in the form of points, for their voice recordings. One problem however, is the vast choice of videos. With so many, teachers would have to be very careful of the content that students are exposed to. I’m also interested to see how accurate the grading of pronunciation is.

I am no longer teaching in the classroom. I did, however go back to school when I was 70 to learn web design. My conceern is that the arts are going to cut form the class rooms in the United States. So I have started to put the history of art and architecture online. ahaafoundation.org is the site. Starting with Egypt I have done something new. I record the video clip and put it on line with the appropriate text. I think and need to know from you that that would be helpful to ESL students.


I also use Skype for teaching!! It is amazing. I have been teaching in three small schools in Pakistan and would consider using Skype and the website to drop into your class.


Take a look at ahaafoundation.org and think about the possibility of me collaborating with you.


Katherine Bolman

Skype name Katherine Bolman


email bolmanedd@hotmail.com

Thanks for the replies!


Ana, totally agree about the searchability and the need to do better given the wide selection of videos. I just started doing more formally with them (have always been helping as needed previously) and will be busy getting EC more teacher and student friendly. That will include improving the search, social media and making the videos full screen for inclass teaching. Stay tuned!  These guys do "get it" and that's why I'm putting my energies behind them.   


We will also have new teacher tools shortly. Any help from fellow teachers to help get the word out about this remarkable technology - much appreciated. It really would be great for all levels of student but particulary university, content based English programs where foreign students have to quickly learn academic English for uni. programs. So interested in hearing back from Universities that might want to use the technology for their foreign student body.


Katherine, I can't get ahaafoundation.org to work? 


Thanks, David 






English Central would be a good tool to use in a speech or ESL class. For the free usage the only feedback that is given is if the correct pronunciation is used. This is nice for those who are trying to say words in the proper English manor and accent. Unfortunately to be able to use the vocabulary portion one must buy the premium package. Other than that it is a nice program. A person is able to pick which type of English language they are wanting help with: business, media, social, and travel English. From there many videos will pop up, some are popular and others are not. After watching the video a person can speak back into the microphone on their computer and get immediate feedback whether they are say the words correctly. Nice tool I just wish it was ALL free.

Great comments, thank you. I can tell you - I'm a regular classroom teacher using my influence and position to work with English Central who've promised to do a lot that I recommend. I'll echo your comments.

There will be a new "model" in the very near future. We just had meetings about it. It will add to English Central something more accurate than just the phonetic pronunciation. It's exciting and can really motivate students.

Teachers will also be receiving much better reporting tools. simple and print and give/go. Teachers can add notes etc... That's much needed, along with teachers being able to be more specific and easily give tasks/assignments.

I'm also urging a lot more for teachers including a full screen option for teaching in the class (and research suggests that when teachers use it in class - their students are more apt to use it outside of class.). The future will lean towards giving teachers "premium" seats that they can get for free and delegate. These will be limited but English Central is commited to supporting teachers and not having them be the ones who pay.

Thanks again,


Here are a couple of presentations you can use to show staff, share what EnglishCentral can do for your ELLs.


More tools coming soon. 






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