Has anyone used or is using this product? I am looking to do a webinar using Elluminate and I need someone to share their experience using this product with students. Pros, cons???
ePals LearningSpace is a virtual workspace optimized for creating, sharing, managing, and collaborating on educational content. Students, teachers, parents and administrators experience purposeful, project-based learning in a collaborative and controlled environment using social media tools, and have access to a growing library of high-quality content, digital storage areas for personal school files, and ePals SchoolMail®, all with industry-leading safety and security needed for a K-12 school system.
ePals LearningSpace allows schools and districts to combine:
- Safe web 2.0 communication tools including email, blogs, wikis, forums and media galleries
- Member profiles and digital lockers for developing shared portfolios
- School-related documents including Word, PowerPoint, PDFs, video and audio files
- District and school-approved contact groups including students, teachers, parents and even guest lecturers and experts
- Access to the ePals Global Community for collaboration beyond a school or district
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