Does anyone use e-portfolios in their classroom? I was just starting to explore the idea and researching it. Any input would be much appreciated.

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Had the same discussion come up in another forum and we collected some resources on:
I have used them in the past. I used to use iWeb before any of the Web 2.0 tools came out. Now, there are many options. My vote would be to use a student blog as an e-portfolio. Lots of options with the easiest being
Also, edublogs campus is great too but a little more difficult to use than blogger in my opinion
I am using Wetpaint for my students and wikispaces for my own.
There are many options for e-portflios such as Zoho or Mahara. I also agree blogger is great and easy to use.
I use them with my students who range fron 14--62 years of age, to post daily blogs on the day's, workskill activity at our college .
You are welcome to have a look at my e-portfolio, you may get a few new ideas.
Junita Lyon
East Gippsland
I'm using Classblogmeister with my 2nd through 4th graders and they're loving it. They're able to post their own blogs and comment on each others. They love counting how many people are reading their blogs. I don't correct their grammar and punctuation so that at the end of the year, they'll have a true portfolio of their writing.
I use wikispaces and wetpaint for my students class portfolios. I also use these tools for professional development activities w/ our faculty.
We've just stared the kids on building e-portfolios at Island Pacific School. We use a wiki (PBworks) divided into private and public folders. A wiki seems the best compromise between sophistication and ease of use. The e-portfolios go in the private section. When we want to showcase something, we'll move it to a public folder.

The wikis fit into a loose structure we've developed for working with social media. We've grouped web tools by their function: production (Google Apps, video, Jings, etc.), discussion (primarily Nings) and publication (mainly the wiki).
Great resource Anne P Thanks!
We went the 'easy' route. Each child came to class with a flashdrive. They save all their 'good' stuff.

I am testing using google sites next year with my class to see how that works. If it flops I will definitely have to check out some of these other options!

I began the year using PBWorks, which I still love, and you can view initial student portfolios here. I later found out, however, that Wikispaces had made many improvements since the time that I had first investigated them (@ two years ago), the best of which was a new feature which allowed students and teacher to leave in-line commenting. I therefore had students move their portfolios in early spring to this new location, although earlier pieces still reside at PBWorks. You can see what types of writing/reflection pieces were included in this year's portfolios by visiting the Teacher's Notes page.

I love wikis in that they truly organize student work, allowing for both increased audience and peer feedback. All sorts of multimedia tools can be easily embedded, which keeps students in a fairly closed, safe work environment. Protocols and procedures, once in place. make it a wonderful work environment.



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