In a few weeks I will be giving a PD on online collaborative projects. I would like to share examples of how wikis can be used to create collaborative projects. The PD is directed at elementary age students in grades 3-5. It does not matter if the project has already been completed or is currently open to contributions. Subject also does not matter.

Does anyone have a wiki site they would be willing to allow me share?

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I teach a high school world religions course and I started using a classroom wiki this year. It has been a great experience for my students and myself. We use the wiki for collaborative projects, on-going student led study guides, review articles and post responses, and to complete classroom assignments.

Since you asked about collaborative projects I will only explain how I do this. My wiki is set up through wetpaint. I am currently teaching a unit on Hinduism and decided to have students do a group activity using their wiki site. This activity is very similar to the classic "Jigsaw" teaching strategy, I just added technology to it. First I assigned each group a topic and gave them a class period to research and put together an outline. I also required them to come up with potential test questions, a visual of some sort, and a link to a site that provides additional information on their topic. On the second day, we used our portable computer lab to put their research on their wiki site. I created a page for each class, and then added a page for each groups topic. The downfall to a wiki is that only 1 student can edit at a time. Then I developed a handout for them to complete using the wiki pages that they created. Overall, the group activity was a success and I will be trying it again.
You can share my wiki, although it was made by 7th and 8th graders. We worked together creating a help site for the program RPG Maker XP. I did very little instruction on the creation of the wiki. They pretty much fiugred most of it out themselves and loved every minute of it. They took it very seriously.
Kristin Still and I put together a wiki to engage students in a flat classroom type project in wikispaces. I use wikis for e-portfolios and have my students work together on building their portfolios. We have been using wikispaces and wetpaint.



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