I have to greatly shorten my Impacting Learning and Teaching from the Clouds workshop from all day to two 40-minute sessions, and I'm having trouble deciding which tools to share! Which Web 2.0 tools, especially those helpful in reading and writing, would you not want to live without?

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Off the top of my head, I would recommend the following:

-Blogger.com & pbworks.com: Two fantastic blogging / wiki services that are really conducive to getting children to write.
-Apture.com: A highlighting browser plugin that allows students to highlight words and get more information.
-Storybird.com & Moglue.com: Two services that allows student to create their own storybooks online and share them.

Agree with those - Wikispaces for me - but same sentiment in that it is easy to use for staff and students (and no age issues because teachers can create users).

Storybird is excellent (see the other thread for age comments!).


It's tricky picking favourites! Some of mine in this post.

I agree Story Bird is amazing. My students love it and they write so much more than they usually do. They are so exited when they hear that we will use this in class.
Thanks so much, Michael and Colleen! Yes, picking favorites is hard! Apture and Moglue are new to me. Storybird was on my list, too, so that's neat. So many wikis to choose from! I've used wikispaces and blogger, and have looked at pbworks. Thanks for the link, Colleen! I know I'll probably have way too many to share for the time I have, but this way we can pick and choose the ones the participants know least. It's fun to hear others' favorites, so thanks for responding!
I can't believe I forgot about Wordle and Tagxedo!  Both are fantastic word cloud builders that can be really useful for the little ones.
I like Wordle as well - but I frustrates me a bit that I can't add the cloud directly to my class blog. Do you know if it is possible?
From what I understand, directly embedding word clouds into a blog can be problematic.  Your best bet is take a screen capture of the cloud, crop it, and then upload it to your blog from your computer. It takes a little bit more time than if your were to embed it, but it works.
Storyjumper is one of my 1st and 2nd grader students' favorites! (They especially love that they can add their faces to a character's body!)
I have to stop somewhere, so I think now is a good time! My list is way too long, so I think I'll use PollEverywhere to have participants suggest the ones they want to hear about most. Currently on my list (although I will probably continue to add to it until the first session on Monday, so keep the suggestions coming!):
Google docs, forms, spreadsheets, and calendar
Vocabulary Spelling City
Wordle (my first favorite find!)
Museum Box
Make Beliefs Comix

Yeah. Definitely too many for two 40-minutes sessions :)

That's far too many - you need to be really choosy!


Concentrate on a few that need you to explain more and give them links to easy ones they may/ will be able to explore themselves.

2 of the resources I build some pretty big projects around are GlogsterEDU and Fakebook.  We create Presentations about Historical Figures from our 6th Grade Academic Standards and I use Fakebook as an extension.  It is an outstanding learning experience for my students to approach Fakebook as if it were around when their Historical Figure was alive.  All posts have to be historically relevant to what their Figure would actually say.  Friends have to be who this person would have really been friends with. 


I share resources several times a week on my blog if you would like to check it out!







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