What is your favorite & most reliable webinar tool for professional development? Especially interested in your experience with audio offered through the webinar tool as opposed to an 800 number which would cost per minute and per user.

Adobe Connect Pro
Global Crossing

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WiZiQ is fast becoming a favorite with educators.

WiZiQ has a guided tour

WiZiQ is a web-based platform for anyone and everyone who wants to teach and learn live, online. Teachers and students use WiZiQ for its state-of-the-art virtual classroom, to create and share online educational content and tests, and to connect with persons having similar subject interests.

Anyone can join WiZiQ
WiZiQ is FREE for everyone and takes just few seconds. Whether you are a teacher or a learner, signing up for a WiZiQ account is free and simple. Enter your log in essentials (email address, password) and name to get started with an account on WiZiQ.

Live, online sessions
In the virtual classroom with all the digital benefits at your fingertips, you can interact online using
Images, PowerPoint presentations and documents
Full way audio and video sharing
Live chat enhances the interaction amongst the participants
Control Privileges with you having full control over the session like in real-world classroom
All sessions on WiZiQ are automatically recorded so that you can revisit and even search for a certain topic anytime at your convenience
Build your educational network
On WiZiQ, you can enter your subject interests and discover who else on WiZiQ shares similar interests with you. Initiate contact with members around you to exchange knowledge, content and to help each other work towards common goals such as preparing for an exam or assignment.

Share content
WiZiQ lets you produce your content online and convert it in a sharable format, with minimal effort. You can make your content semi-permanent, easy to put on blogs, and embeddable as objects and links.

Safety & Privacy
WiZiQ is very serious about members’ safety and privacy. Everyday we monitor all activities on WiZiQ making sure the safety of our members. Further, no part of your private information is misused or given to any person or business for any commercial purposes.
You have a complete control on your privacy through your contact settings.

Elluminate is what the staff at Georgia Virtual School uses. It's easy to use, lots of tools and the audio is decent particularly if all have mics.

I looked at Yugma and the use of the free Skype to save on the phone costs. Haven't really used it but the features are very similar to Yugma.
none in South korea for me!!
Does one of these broadcast back and forth? I want do do an online pro-d demonstration where 2 groups can see each other on the screen in real time. Does anyone know how I can do that?
Hi Sue,

Yes, just set up a Wiziq VC session and you're synchronous right there. If you click on the recording you can see the recording of the synchronous environment.
Hi Mark -- In the VC tour I see a large whiteboard space and small video space. Can I enlarge the video space so that the others can see a large classroom-sized demonstration taking place?
Hi Sue,

Yes you can upload a video from You Tube and have it in the full screen or you can make your own Video feed full screen size, as well. I recommend setting up a quick sesion and playing around with it. The basic service is free, so no worries.
Mark -- thanks so much for taking the time to respond. One more question -- can I have live video going both ways full screen? Here's want we want to do. We are going to give a pro-d demonstration in one city and want the people in the other city to be able to watch in real time and participate. We would like both groups to be able to view each other full screen so they can collaborate in the pro-d session together. Thanks.
Hi Sue,

On Wiziq you can transfer video back and forth as long as each party has a video camera. I recommend you just take a quick look at Wiziq's in a private session, its very intuitive, and you'll see how easy it is.
Elluminate has many features that I have used and like - audio, video, chat, whiteboard, and webapps.



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