I have a class that does a life simulation. It is something I have pieced together and modified every year. Kids live through 3 months and each class day is the equivalent of 2 weeks. They would pay their bills, deposit checks, receive emergencies, etc. I am struggling with the necessity of teaching check writing. I write very few checks anymore. I do everything online. I need to bring this project, that I love, into the 21st century. I am thinking about creating a Google spreadsheet for each student. It would represent their online banking. They could deposit checks, pay bills, even write a few paper checks, and I could even through in debit card uses they need to record. I am not an expert with spreadsheets, but I can learn! My question is, does this sound doable or am I overlooking the something? Is there an easier way? Is this an easy way? I welcome any thoughts.
Tags: Adult, FACS, Finacial, Google, Responsibilities, Roles, and, docs, literacy
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